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~Atlas' POV~

Darlina had had too much to drink, which I knew because she was wobbling in her heels now whereas she'd been walking without problem in them when the night began. I shook my head and stretched out my leg as I stayed seated on the couch like I had been the entire night thus far, making sure to keep an eye on her.

She had already finished off four wine coolers tonight, and was currently drinking from her fifth bottle as she followed Emmett's just as drunk ass. Well, he was probably more drunk than her by a lot, but this was also the most drunk I'd seen Darlina. Though I had only ever seen her tipsy one other time.

As I was watching the two of them, the couch suddenly dipped beside me when someone sat down, causing me to look over. Why the hell was someone sitting next to me?

To my surprise there was now a random girl sitting next to me, a girl that I had never seen before in my life yet she smiled at me like we were friends. I rolled my eyes in response and looked away, annoyed that this chick was here. "Hi." She greeted, causing me to glance at her with a brow cocked up. "What do you want?" I asked bluntly, not bothering to sit around and make idle conversation. 

Her green eyes flicked up and down my figure, a sly smile growing on the unknown girl's lips. "I noticed you've just been sitting here all night." She said, brushing her hand against my forearm. It was painfully, undeniably obvious what she wanted and where she was going with this already. She was very pretty, and yet...I didn't find myself interested in her like I thought, only annoyed that she was so close to me. Somehow, the fact that I wasn't interested almost frustrated me because I would've fucking jumped at her clear invitation when I was in prison.

"I'm not interested." I told her, brushing her hand off of me before I flicked my gaze back towards where Emmett and Darlina had been. They were still there together, though now they were dancing together, Darlina with a smile so wide on her face that I just stared. I'd never seen her smile like that before.

The unnamed girl huffed at my blatant disregard, rising to her feet before she stomped off, leaving me alone as I wanted. I paid her disappearance no mind, scanning my gaze over Darlina's small frame while she laughed at something Em had said, clutching at his arm in attempt to steady herself. 

But then Emmett's hand landed on her waist and I zeroed in on it, an odd feeling of some mix of envy and irritation twinging at my chest. I furrowed my brows and narrowed my eyes on his hand, knowing that he wasn't touching her in anything more than just a friendly manner yet it did nothing to quell the unfamiliar feelings I had. The fact that I was suddenly feeling like this made me clench my jaw, unsure what had brought it on.

Sure, I had always thought Darlina was downright fucking gorgeous, but this was the first time I was actually feeling...jealous. It wasn't like I even had feelings for her, being that I still barely knew her well enough to develop any, so I couldn't understand the reason for my jealousy, especially over Emmett. Even earlier tonight, however, I had felt the same when she was talking with Adrian in the kitchen, and again with that drunk dude attempting to hit on her.

I shook my head and ran a hand through my hair, trying to push away the misplaced jealousy. There was no reason for me to feel like this when there was nothing between us, not even friendship. At most we were perhaps acquaintances, which maybe was weird to say considering we were also roommates.

A grunt left me as I finally rose from the couch, dragging my attention away from Darlina to head into the kitchen instead, not wanting to have to look at her anymore when it was just making me ponder my newfound jealousy. I lingered there for the rest of the night, trying to forget about it.


"Atlas!" Darlina's soft voice called as she made her way into the kitchen, wobbling while she tried to get through the crowd of people. I glanced up, noticing right away that she was on her own, and frowned as she giggled at me. "Where's Emmett?" I asked her, glancing behind her in hopes that maybe he was just slow, but I didn't see him.

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