Not My Type - 13 ( Blue berry muffins )

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Finally it was 11.00 pm and Jade was more than grateful for that. He loosened up his apron which had cafe name on it. When he was about to leave Martha stopped him.

"....Jade sweetie, there are some leftover muffins. I packed them for you. Take this...."

"....Oooooh Martha you don't have to..."

"....Come on Sweetie. I know how hard working my boy is. So eat well and study well. Make this old woman proud with sky rocket grades like you did last semester...."

Martha squeezed his cheek making Jade smile genuinely.

"....It is getting late you better get going sweetie...."

"...Ooooh yeah. Thank you Martha see you next monday. Good night...."

"...You too sweetie...."

With that Jade put his hoody over his head and buried his hands deep in his pocket keep them warmed. But He felt little hungry because he could smell the delicious muffins inside his bag. He hurried his step because he was damn tired. He couldn't wait any longer so he took one of muffin and eat it so fast and sooner 2nd muffin followed. But he about to go for the 3rd one he felt like something behind him moved. When he turned there was nothing. But he had that weird feeling that someone is following him from the distance.

So he looked over his shoulder time to time check out. Even he could see someone is following him from his peripheral vision when he turned it was completely empty. He was lowkey getting freaking out when suddenly loud creek sound of a motorcycle made him jumped out of fear which stopped next to him.

But with first glance his fear evaporated to the thin air because he knew that it was TJ

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But with first glance his fear evaporated to the thin air because he knew that it was TJ. He put his right hand over his chest and a smile of relief appeared on his face automatically even before TJ removed his helmet.

"....Baby,, It is so cold out there. What on the earth you decided that it would be a good idea to wear thin hoody???...."

"....God...Take this... Look at you you are shivering like a abandoned kitten...."

TJ gave him the jacket without even letting him uttere a word. Jade took it without arguing to be honest he was more than grateful to see him right now like last night.

"....Baby give me your backpack and put it on. You are like a 6 foot tall baby. You are lucky that you have me...."

TJ got off from his ducati and helped Jade to put the jacket on. The he took off his helmet and placed it on Jade's head and buckled.


He took a step back and looked at Jade as he really liked Jade's cute look with the jacket that was bigger than Jade's body. Jade could feel his ears getting heat up, this time he didn't worry about it and confidently glared at him thinking that TJ can't see the colour change of his ears under the neon light of street.

Not My Type - ( B×B Extreme XXX )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora