Not My Type - 08 ( You are the problem 😒 )

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Washroom door burst open with a loud bang making redheaded guy stratle. But it took few seconds for Jade to manipulate his eyes to look at and his eyes grow bigger. Person who walked through the door was none other than Tylor Dean Jackson, the last person Jade expected to see at this point. But TJ's eyes landed directly on Jade's face, and it didn't take him a second to realize what had happened.

Thanks to full background check on Jade m, it wasn't hard for him to understand Jade won't be in this position willingly and he isn't type of a guy who have sex in the bathroom with someone who looked like a totally a douchebag. As a plus point TJ could easily detect the how uncomfortable and hurt Jade eyes look. With that feeling, TJ's blood curdled with anger, he clenched his fists and hit the redhead boy's face as he fell to the ground forgetting all the advice that Travis had given him before he rushed to the upstairs. Honestly he didn't give a two shit about anything but Jade right now.

Then he turned to Jade who was staring at him with gloggy eyes. TJ took off the jacket he was wearing and covered Jade's exposed upper body through his torn shirt while Jade held the jacket tight with trembling hands. TJ caressed his wet cheek with his thumb assuring that he is safe which was the exact feeling Jade wanted right now.

"...I am here Sweetie....."

TJ whisper softly while looked deep into those trembling eyes. Jade stared back at him and he felt his heart graually calming down and he slowly nodded his head to let him know he believe him.

"...Jesus christ TJ, What is wrong with you???? why would you do that??? I didn't do a anything to you. What is your fucking problem dude???....."

The redhead guy slowly got up whipping his the blood from his mouth after gaining his sanity from the punch interrupting their thoughts. TJ sighed in frustration and turned towards the guy with anger.

"....You. You are the problem here....."

TJ said in a tone full of rage showing that he was ready to jump on him any time. The guy raised his hand showing his surrender.

"....God you don't have to yell dude...We were just having fun...."

"....Fun??? don't bullshitting me. You....."

TJ pause at the middle not knowing the name of the guy. He rolled his eyes at TJ and spoke.

"...I'm Nico. From your year...."

TJ rolled his eyes and ignored him upset expressions.

"....I don't fucking care...Take this in this in your microscopic brain if you have a one. Don't fucking mess with me if you don't wish to live your life up to regret it....."

Nico look dumbfounded not understanding what the hell he was hearing right now but luckily Chad stepped in before TJ throw his hands on him again.

"....Ooooi oooi. TJ take it easy Jesus christ Did you fucking broke his nose???...."

Chad asked while removing TJ's gripped from Nico's t shirt but judging by the atmosphere he realized there is nothing to explain.

".....Chad shut the fuck up....."

".....God calm down your ass big boy...."

Chad pushed him back to hold him away from Nico preventing from them from having fight.

"....Nico you better get going. Get lost man if you really don't wanna get your bones break...."

Chad suggest pointing his eyes at the open door knowing that He can't control his best friend for long. Luckily Nico took his advice and leave without making drama. As soon as he gone Chad let go off His best friend and turned his eyes at Jade who look like he was about to faint.

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