Not My Type - 01 ( Allergic to Blondies 😒 )

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"....Jesus Christ, TJ I'm Really Telling You If I Were You, I'm would definitely take advantage of my status. See how many people are trying their asses off just to get notice by you. In fact, if you give one look, they would lick your fucking feets...."

Chad kept telling to TJ, who kept his eyes locked somewhere in the crowd and was sipping from the glass of alcohol in his hand. When there was no response from his friend, Chad turned to see why.

"....Fuck you Bro. Did you not listen to anything I said. Dude??. Hey Bro???...."

Instead of answering what Chad asked, TJ spoke in his usual emotionless voice without taking his eyes off where they were resting.

"....Who is the blondie wearing the white shirt. That one who standing next to Josh. I don't remember him. Is he from our junior badge?...."

".... Seriously TJ? Did I talk to myself for the whole time?? And since when you started to move in to blondies. I thought your fucking red head obsession is prominent and your blonde hair allergy is lifetime....."

".....Chad answers the damn question dude. Is he one of our juniors?...."

At that time, there was a slight anger in his voice which Chad knew how scarier it would be if he get anger for real so he answer immediately.

"....You don't need to get all angry and fuss you know. Jesus Christ you are always ready to explode aren't you??...."


"....Okey Okey,,,That's it. Let Me see first...."

Chad looked through the crowd eagerly to see who he was looking at. It wasn't hard for him to catch the the boy with blonde hair because he was that hard to not notice with that gorgeous face of his.

"....Ah, got him. yep..He is not our junior. I think the guy is from the department of physiology. Our event is an open invitation...."

"....Oh that makes sense. That's why I feel like I've never seen him before....."

TJ said to himself as he set the empty liquor glass down on the table and stood up.

"....TJ What the Fuck Man. Where are you going??...."

".... Non of your business....."

He replied simply and went straight through the crowd to the blond haired boy he had seen earlier as Chad yelled at him from the behind. TJ gestured to his junior who was sitting next to that boy to get up from the chair and sat next to him with a smile.

"....Hey Blondie, I haven't seen you before. What department are you from??...."

He asked directly without going around when the boy who was looking at his glass of alcohol slowly raised his head and looked at him. But it would be fair to say that TJ got freezed at the sight right infront of his eyes. The boy infront of him He had the most beautiful face TJ had seen in a long time.

The straight and bit wavy hair that was completely blonde colored when the black and chocolate color gradually came up next to the scalpel. For sure he must be naturally black or chocolate colour haired. Flawless skin without a single spot. It is not that pale colour that makes you looks like a ghost. He got a pale skin that has slightly gold touch to it. So it wasn't Tan or Pale it was somewhere in between. Lets call it peachy skin. Yeah he look delicious like a juicy peach which made TJ's mouth watering in hunger and throat go dry in thurst at the same time.

God those dark brown dazzling eyes. Pointy nose without the slightest droop. With all that, the pink lips are so beautiful that you want to kiss them like there is no tomorrow. TJ gulped involuntarily at the thought.

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