Not my Type - 11 ( Game on Sweetie )

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TJ froze at the spot and turned as fast as he could like flash and look at the bed but to his disappointment bed was empty and the person who was suppose to sleep next to him was gone. A heavy sigh escape from him without even him noticing. But sooner his facial expressions completely changed.

"..We will see baby who is gonna lose in the end of this freaking game. For sure its not me.."

TJ said to himself before grabbed a clean towel from the cupboard.

At faculty basketball locker room

As he promised he made it there sharp at 10.30. Rest of the meeting went so well as he planed. When TJ is the one who handling the matter  nothing couldn't go wrong that is the famous theory in this faculty and for the record it wasn't just a rumor or a exaggeration but a pure fact. TJ is that much of a genius.

TJ was changing before go to the afternoon lecture while Chad was observing him head to toe.

"....So you are telling me that blonde wasn't there and you just woke up to empty bed??...."

TJ rolled his eyes at his question. "This nosy bastard" TJ muttered under his breath.

"...Chad how the hell did you manage to ended up being my best friend??? You brainless idiot. Yes he was gone when I woke up...."

"....I am your fucking best friend whether you like it or not just deal with it. And be grateful to me that I decided to stay as your best friend ignoring the fact that you are an arrogant ungrateful bratty jackass...."

TJ didn't argue He knew Chad was right about his shitty egoist personality but it is what it is.

"....So basically you are telling me that He fucked you and left even without telling you...."

"...No I was the one who fucked him. Yes he wasn't there in the morning...."

TJ said in a angry tone but there wasn't even slightest sadness nor upset. He know his best friend better that anybody else and if he acting this way, after this type of incident thats mean he is well prepared or he had his own plot or perfect spotless agenda. One and only Tylor Dean Jackson the unbothered cold hearted TJ you are talking about and most importantly he would never lose in his own game. But still he wanted to know everything.

"...What's up with the ugly smirk you fucker ???...."

Instead of answering right away TJ just took his time to get ready then turned to face him.

"...Chad just wait ,He will going to end up at my feet. So there is no use of getting upset over something so useless...."

Chad stared at him like an idiot unable to understand.

"....How could you be that confident you mofo?? He is not that cheap. He isn't some greedy bitch who spread their legs for you just because you have money and power. Also I don't think He is gonna crawl back to you just because you happened to have a big dick...."

Chad said in sarcastic tone.

"....Thats true. He is Definitely not cheap you are right about that. He is standard good. He is not just going to fall for my money or dick. But talking about my dick, I know the right way to use it unlike others, I gave him the real taste of seduction and taste of the great euphoria so he will gonna addicted to it for sure. And there is one thing I realize about him. He got a pure heart so it doesn't matter even he won't fall for sex but surely he will end up falling for my affection for sure. Quit asking questions and watch me. And for your knowledge I am not planning on messing him up in a bad way. So quit acting like something crawled up in your ass and die...."

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