Episode 0 - Origin

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(Disclaimer: I love the first episode of Gotchard but I feel like it's sorta rushed so in this story I will have to change some scenes and dialogue in order to fit it to make a good chapter)

Few years ago....

In a forest, lies an old and abandoned building, roots growing inside the structure, then a man was running right outside the building while holding something in his arms. It was a device which have some orange parts and even a symbol on it, it was also wrapped around in a small cloth. The man however, was like in a state of tiredness as he ran while grasping for air, he had many dirt and some wounds all over his body as he continues to run away from something or someone.....

Somewhere else, a little girl blew a small yellow crystal, then out of nowhere the three small round windows shattered as many old debris flew out and suddenly turned into arrows. The man saw what was going on until he noticed another girl as she made the arrows fell towards him with fire on each arrow's tips. The attack stopped him from moving as few arrows were shot near him and sent him flying while also dropping the device. As he fell, the device fell beside him in which he quickly crawled towards it and inspected it to make sure it's still functional.

Little Girl: So you completed it....

The little girl says as the man turns his sights towards her along with two more older girls beside her. The were wearing all black which also resembles something of ancient Egyptian clothing.

Little Girl: The key to the door of darkness....

Man: No... This is the key of hope that rules even live and death..

Girl 1: Nonsense!

She rushes towards him as she tries to kick him but he dodges the attack which she kicks at a brick beam, making it shattered to pieces. The second girl attacked him as well but this times using a weapon as she tries to cut him but he quickly stops her but she only did nothing but smile at him. So he pushed her away as he took out a card.

Wrestler G!  Antrooper!



Then two entities, a wrestler and ants came out of the cards as they attacked one of the girls as a rope of Ant entities formed as the other wrestler entity use them as a whip and tried to hit her but she dodged the attack. The man then took out three more cards as three more entities appeared from the cards


One of the Entities then shot a barrage of needles towards the girl as she dodges and destroy some of them while the other girl was holding of a samurai-like entity with her sword as she was blocked off until a skateboard entity flew around her as she tried to hit it until the skateboard entity tried to attack her but she blocked it with her sword.


Two more entities then show a blast towards the youngest girl but she uses her magic to pick up a bricked pilar to make a shield with stopped the attack as the wall broke, she uses her magic to trap the two entities but the man freed them with his sword as he looks at her and pulled out another card but this time had a train in it.


The train entity then railed out of the card and was about to hit the little girl but she dodged it by floating up as the train moved in Mach speed. The man took the opportunity to run as he hopped onto the train entity while the others flew into it as well and they made their escape. The little girl showed no emotion as she watched them flee from the girls.

Girl 1: Fleeing to the Ourboros world?

Girl 2: What a stubborn silver fox...

Little Girl: It won't be a problem...  We'll find him soon enough....

The Ourboros World.....

The train entity had finally stopped at a platform in the world where chemical beakers wee hanging around the area. 


The man got out from it as the train entity returned back to its original card. The man then released the cards as the cards flew and hold still along with many other cards  as they glowed. While only a few had entities in it, most cards were blank while more slots were also empty. The man then look at the Train entity and a grasshopper entity.

Man: Find the one... The one who will be guided by fate! 

Then the entities were released from their cards once more as they flew out of the dimension.



Man: I don't care if it years, as long as you search far and wide...... find the one who will bring balance.... The one who will eventually revive the name of Kamen Rider! 



As they flew together out onto the real world, they splinted up as they move in the shadows in the search of finding the chosen one who will bring peace to the world, the world of the superhuman society..... the world of heroes.......

 the world of heroes

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To be continued.....

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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