Chapter Seven

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                                                                                September, 1683

August came and went and with September brought the last of the humid, dry weather, many spent their time outdoors as means to enjoy summer's last breath before autumn arrived.

Alexander had seen very little of Charlotte since the ball; they had not spoken since that evening but had caught glimpses of her in the salon and about the palace. Sometimes he simply chose to observe her from a distance rather than converse with her. Now for instance, watching from a window which looked into one of the large gardens and beyond, he observed Charlotte herself and a party engaging in a game of pall-mall. The sun shone in the sky without a cloud to shield it that day, hence why Alexander made sure not to stand too close to the window.

"I never saw the fun in that game." Renet spoke, joining her brother's side. "I believe it's the taking part that one is supposed to enjoy, not just the competitive aspect." Renet shrugged. Nothing more was said between the brother and sister, though Alexander knew there to be a reason for his sister's sudden appearance. Renet was rather not fond of spending time with her brothers, if she did it was either because she wanted something from them, something was wrong or she was bored and wanted to pester them. Sometimes, all four things. He looked at her expectantly, still nothing was said. The sound of laughter from Charlotte's party caught Alexander's attention, they had finished their game and now made their way back to the palace. "You will have to tell her eventually." Alexander turned to face her. There was a sullen, sort of distant look in her eyes. The way she carried herself was not of her usual nature, more stiff and yet somehow tired or had been drained of all her energy. "She'll have to know the truth eventually." Said Renet. Alexander regarded her. "I know, but if I do that, I risk losing her and having the whole of France pointing stakes at our hearts." The mere thought of telling Charlotte the truth about his accursed self filled him with a terrible cold sense of dread.

He saw her coming back. She had been in conversation with one lady when they caught one another's gaze. Excusing herself, she left her party and approached him.. "Monsieur Dostenberg." She smiled brightly. He gave her a slight bow. "Madame Carré, how well you look." "And you yourself Monsieur." She looked round before stepping closer and lowering to a whisper. "I admit, I have been in rather a state, what with Madame de Martel." Her face drained of its colour. Alexander offered to go somewhere they could sit. "Thank you, yes perhaps that would be best."

"Indeed, it was quite a shock. Did you know her well?" Asked Alexander as they walked to the salon. "Not terribly I am afraid, only as acquaintances. Who do you think could have done such a wicked thing?" "Someone very wicked indeed. A man without conscience or morals." Charlotte glanced at him. "You think a man did this? But how? And he must be a man without a soul and without God to be capable of such a thing." Alexander gave a shrug. "What do you suggest then, Madame?" He asked her. "The devil, perhaps. Laugh as you like, Monsieur Dostenberg but you heard what happened; her blood drained from her..." She paused, placing a hand against a wall for support. Alexander stopped, concerned. "Perhaps it would be best if you returned to your chambers." He suggested. Shaking her head, she regained her composure, telling him she wished for him to accompany her instead. "I assure you, I am quite well. I have a weak heart you see, and my doctor advised me to stay away from things and subjects that cause me too much excitement." She smoothed her skirts. "Very well, but let us at least change the subject." He offered her his arm, she accepted. "Well then, how is your brother and sister?" "They are well, thank you." "I heard that Monsieur Martinet has caught your sister's eye, correct?" Alexander smiled. "Indeed, they seem quite the pair." "And what of you and your brother? I remember Madame Angelart having her heart broken by him when he refused to dance with her at your first ball. " She laughed. "Ah yes. I think she is still vexed at him to this day." Charlotte smiled, all evidence of upset from the previous conversation gone from her.

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