Chapter Five

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                                                                                       August, 1683

"They think she's innocent." The physician looked up from his current task at the voice. "And they do not suspect you?" He asked. She began to pace the room. "Of course not. They have not a clue. They have no suspicion." She sat down in a chair, smiling fiendishly at the physician. "And his Majesty?" "Nor him. And why would he? I am every bit as ordinary as he is as far as he be aware of." The physician hummed, turning his attention on a small, dark box, covered by a black sheet that sat in a corner of the room. "How are you feeling? I fear that this one was not as strong as the previous one." "It'll do, the girl certainly helped. Speaking of; is the vial ready?" "I have it here. Remember, no more than three drops, or it will become detectable." He handed her a crimson filled glass vial. She looked at it queryingly. "Will this be enough?" "It should be, if not; I shall provide with more." He leaned forward over the desk, staring into her eyes. "If you wish to execute this properly without fault; tread carefully, not do not cause too much interest or they will find you, and I can only do so much to protect you. And you are not as strong as them as you were." The physician uttered. She laughed, tossing the vial into the air, catching it with effortless grace. "Soon, my dear Giovanni, soon I shall return to be as I was once before. I am not fearful of them. Let them challenge me, I dare them voluntarily. You forget I created them, I made them what they are. Without me, they would have been nothing but part of the earth now, forgotten and nonentity. I made them apart of something far greater than what they were, my blood generated new life within them. I did not curse them but bestow a gift upon them; the gift of immortality and a chance to become gods. And soon, so shall it be within the Sun King. He claims to be a god; then a god I shall make him." The physician said nothing, watching as she turned to leave, still throwing and catching the precious vial. "And if I do cause too much attention, I know who can take the blame." She said, giving him a honey made smile. "Soon Giovanni, we ourselves and those worthy enough shall become the paramount's of God himself, for we can take life; we can end it and create new life. We are the very making of the new gods my friend."

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