Letter 9

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Letter nine: September

School was back in session, and Lily couldn't believe it was their final year in high school. The thought of heading off to college next year seemed surreal.

She often wondered about the fate of her relationships. Would they all end up at the same college, or would they be scattered across the map?

Lily was content with her two relationships: her friendship with Charlotte and her boyfriend Marcus. She was determined to keep in touch, even if it meant tackling long-distance relationships with both of them.

Life seemed to be rolling smoothly for Lily, but little did she know this was just the calm before the storm.

Their relationship had become public knowledge at school, and oddly, this seemed to push Davina even further away. Now, Davina didn't even attempt to talk to Lily, confirming her suspicions that Davina was solely focused on boys.

Lily had settled into a new routine. Instead of walking to school alone, she now strolled alongside Marcus. Their conversations spanned everything from school matters to planning upcoming dates and adventures to cross off their bucket list.

If you compared the Marcus of today to the one Lily met in the rain, you wouldn't believe they were the same person.

Lily took comfort in his happiness, evident in the spark that lit up his eyes whenever he looked at her, and of course, the same happened to her.

Nevertheless, she still eagerly awaited the day he would share what had transpired that fateful rainy night, trusting he'd reveal it when he was ready.

Amid all these changes, one thing remained constant: the funny dynamic between Charlotte and Marcus.

Whenever Charlotte greeted Lily in class, her expression soured when her gaze fell on Marcus, much to his chagrin. He viewed her as a bothersome little sister.

"Hey, Lily!" Charlotte greeted when she spotted her entering the classroom. She glanced over at Marcus with an exaggerated look of disgust.

Marcus couldn't help but think, what did I do to deserve this? His irritation with Charlotte was evident on his face.

"Hello to you too," Marcus grumbled at Charlotte, his annoyance showing.

And as if everything wasn't enough, their day took a turn for the worse when they realized they had a substitute teacher.

"Good morning, students," the substitute teacher began, her words falling into a sea of sleepy faces. Lily barely registered the teacher's introduction; she wasn't much of a morning person.
However, her attention snapped into focus when the teacher announced they were about to embark on a pair project.

"Pair project? Seriously?" Lily thought, secretly dreading the assignment.

"You're going to do a pair project and you can chose any topic, this year's os last year's, for example the krebs circle if anyone would like to do that." The teacher continued.

Lily had a hard time believing anyone would willingly choose the Krebs cycle as their topic. Yet, her skepticism evaporated when she overheard Charlotte and her partner eagerly selecting that very topic.

Of course, it was Charlotte.

Unfortunately for Lily, luck wasn't on her side. Her partner turned out to be her former friend and confidante, Davina. Lily grappled with the decision to request a partner switch but ultimately decided to endure the situation.

Davina tentatively suggested, "I was thinking about doing it on the reproductive system. What do you think?"

Lily replied with indifference, "It's fine by me," her gaze fixed on the PowerPoint.

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