Chapter 21 - Distraction

Start from the beginning

"Earlier, I mentioned how lovely you looked, but I don't think I did it any justice," he sways to the music, moving around the space with flawless steps taken every time. "You look as gorgeous as you always do. That is a fact, but something about seeing you tonight has left me speechless. You look stunning."

You could swoon in that very moment, every nerve jolting in waves of joy, excitement and a tinge of nervousness. No one had ever spoken to you in this manner, let alone sound so genuine. "Sherlock, that was absolutely beautiful," you admit, staring Star-struck.

"What I had just said was hardly the tip of the iceberg," he lifts your knuckles to his lips, kissing them softly. "Trust me that much,"

"I trust you a lot more than that, Sherlock," moving your hand to his face, you could hear the hitch in his breath, pink dusting his cheeks.

"I'm glad," he spins you under his arm, catching you slightly off guard.

"Careful, you're going to make me dizzy," you warn him, "I may just fall,"

"Don't worry, darling," he takes you into a quick dip, which had you gripping him tight. "I'll be there to catch you.

"Every time?" You look up at him with nothing but sincerity.

"Every time." He leans closer to you, forehead pressing against yours.

You could melt into his arms with certainty this time. His lips felt like they brushed against yours, but you assumed it was your head playing tricks. "Sherlock Holmes, you take my breath away,"

"I know another way I could," his breathing staggered at his thoughts.

"I think I do, too," you lean forward and are instantly met with his lips. You couldn't describe it in any way but perfect. It was like the missing piece to your puzzle. Nothing could ever get you as high as he did in this moment. The suddenness, the thrill of a first kiss, it all felt surreal.

"You have no idea what you do to me. It drives me absolutely mad," he pulls back to quickly say, wanting to call a cab now, leaving everything behind.

"How about you show me exactly what I do to you," you pull at his tie, causing his lips to meet yours in a sudden passion.

"I said, careful," he moves your body backwards, leading towards a denser part of the crowd. Further and further, you disappeared before two doors could be seen leading towards another section of the building. Your hands interlock, kissing every so often while pushing at random doors until a random janitor's closet is found.

"Oh, I heard you the first time," you tug at his tie once more, feeling his body trap yours against the door with one swift motion.

"Doesn't seem like it, or else you'd know to listen," he pushes your hands above your head, holding it securely before using his other hand to hold your leg up against his side.

"Jesus, if I knew you kissed like this, I should've made my move months ago," it was everything you dreamed about, and knowing how his body moved against yours like a mirror reflection made it all the better.

"Maybe I should have, too," his hands drop and immediately lifts you into his arms and against the door. "Especially if I knew how divine you sound when I..." his lips meet your neck, like a key to a lock. He had you in the palm of his hand.

The gentle gasp of air and sigh of pleasure had his jaw tensing, desperate to hear that sweet sound on repeat. It was like heaven on earth, and he was an Angel falling from grace. "Please-"

"Please, what, sweetheart?" He let his breath tickle your neck for a moment.

"Please don't stop."


I love this pic so much

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I love this pic so much

- Anna ❤️

Bouquet of Thorns: Sherlock x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now