Heihachi's hand flickers for a moment, and attempts to stand up with the strength he has left. Kai was also tired, but he should not let his guard down as he realizes that his opponent won't go down that easily.

"You're still alive?!" Kai asked, still couldn't believe with what he saw.

Heihachi grunts for a moment and yells with enough strength to stand up.

Kai is badly hurt, and both fighters walked sturdily towards each other. Both Kai and Heihachi's punch lands towards their face as they back away.

Kai yells and hooks Heihachi's face, which made him back away. Heihachi follows back with a hook, which made Kai hurt badly. Kai answers his attack with a jab in his stomach, which made Heihachi yell in pain. Though in pain, Heihachi jabs at his face, making Kai lose one of his tooth.

Furiously, Kai uppercuts Heihachi with a liver punch, causing Heihachi yell in pain again. Heihachi didn't back away as well as he kicks Kai in his stomach, causing him to cough.

Oogway, Aslan, Po, Lee, and Kazuya stared at the fight as they realized both fighters are not backing away with the fight.

"They're too tired already. I couldn't say who would win!" Po said in an excitement tone.

"This is the blood of the Mishima. A Mishima doesn't back out in a fight, even if it caused their lives." Lee explains.

Oogway saw how the fight goes. As it they don't back away, whatever they do. Oogway sighs as he sees his old friend badly beaten enough by Heihachi.

As for Kazuya, he didn't care who would win in this epic showdown. As he can see both are giving their all.

Heihachi and Kai pants hardly, slowly getting tired with how long the fight was. Kai was about to aim another punch, but Heihachi's aura surrounded him with electricity in his aura.

He prepares his stance and prepares his final attack at Kai.

"Your delusions of grandeur end here!!!" Heihachi yells before jabbing Kai. Making Kai in pain as his attack didn't continue.

Heihachi follows up another jab in his torso, and does another hook in his stomach, ending it with a headbutt. Kai bounces back and is on the air, Heihachi spins his arms and prepares for the final strike.

"Die!!!" Heihachi yells, and palms Kai with both hands in the torso, causing Kai to cough blood and fall on the ground.

Heihachi kneels and pants hardly as he sees Kai on the ground. Not moving... not breathing, as Heihachi stood up, relieved.

The people of humanity cheers as they see another victory for their kind

Heihachi cackles hardly with a great victory he had.

"I feel good! Next?!"

Suddenly, a cackle was heard from a distant as Heihachi looks back, Kai was still alive. And could still stand up.

"Still alive?"

"You think that little trick would work on me?" Kai asked as he walks towards Heihachi slowly and sturdily.

"Too bad. It only works on mortals." He added before grabbing Heihachi's arm.

"Remember... I... am a spirit warrior." He said before placing his hand at Heihachi's torso.


Heihachi attempts to aim another jab at Kai, but the jombie of the frog appears and punches Heihachi again, sending him flying and crashing on another boulder.

Kai kept on walking sturdily as he stares at Heihachi, who is now defenseless against him now.

"What do you say... you are the one destined to meet me? Sure, you're strong. But... it won't be enough." He said staring at him.

"Every mortal will meet the same fate... as you." He added with a threatening tone.

"And soon, every mortal will disappear like you." He said before spinning his arms. Yellow aura surrounded Heihachi as he yells defenselessly. Heihachi couldn't move, his strength is worn out.

Heihachi slowly accepted his fate. As his chi is now stolen by Kai. Kai placed his hands together as he realizes Heihachi's chi is now stolen.

"Yes... the power... is mine." Kai said, holding Heihachi's chi.

But, he remembers that this is a fight to the death. As he stares at Heihachi's chi. He walked towards a boiling lava, and that's where Kai dropped Heihachi's chi.

The chi slowly melts away until the soul of Heihachi finally disappears. As the gods yell for another victorious match.

"Ladies and gentlemen... with another victory for heaven. This round goes to... Kai!!!!" Heimdall announces as humanity thought this would be another victory for them.

Kai walks away sturdily towards the exit as he has met one of his greatest opponents.



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