Chapter 10: The Trial

Start from the beginning

"Perhaps," River said while tapping his chin. "However, a summary execution is not a punishment fitting of malicious defiance."

"Then I propose stripping him of his magical aptitude and returning him to the mundane world he came from," Stella suggested instead.

Rowan shook his head. "I neither agree with the accusation nor the punishment. Should an Archdruid's command supersede the teachings and standards of our Order?"

"There is a precedent for Archdruid orders superseding traditional rules of the Order. Archdruids of the past used an executive privilege of sorts to make changes for the best interest of the Order. It can be argued that letting Ashton the Abomination live was one such change," River explained. "But I also do not necessarily agree with Lady Stella's proposed punishment."

"I propose no punishment," Rowan declared. "And dismissal of this trial. Let everyone get some rest before the start of a new day."

Callum stood silently while the Archdruids continued their debate.

"To go without punishment is an insult. I deserve my due respect, Rowan. Callum will not go without consequence for his defiance of my will," Lady Stella said through gritted teeth.

"Come to a sufficient middle ground and I will lend my support," Lord River decided. "The current propositions are removal of magical aptitude and no punishment at all. Neither are adequate."

Thinking quickly, Lord Rowan made a new proposal. "I imagine you no longer wish for Callum to live in the Sacred Grove, Lady Stella?"

"Of course. Amongst other things," she partially agreed.

"As you know, saplings, upon officially becoming a druid, are given choices about which path to take. They can become trainers, wardens of the Sacred Grove, ambassadors to other orders and organizations, and more. Perhaps we can remove this choice from Callum. We can mandate he take the path of an emissary to a werewolf pack. He will live outside of the Sacred Grove, and out of all paths he could take, it is the one that will keep him away from here the longest," Rowan offered.

Lady Stella took a moment to think about it. "I agree to this proposal with two conditions. He has passed his training sessions and only requires the official ceremony to become a druid. First, once that is complete, we will set a time limit of one week for him to find a pack willing to take him on as an emissary. Second, he must not break any further rules. If he fails either of these conditions, he will be stripped of his magic and returned to the mundane world."

"Now, now, Lady Stella, a week is not nearly long enough. It takes time to sort through pack requests for emissaries and to schedule interviews with alphas. Doing it all in a week will be a logistical nightmare," Rowan rebutted.

"That is my proposal. He deserves to experience a bit of harsh adversity for his blatant defiance," Lady Stella said firmly.

After Stella and Rowan volleyed their proposals, River finally spoke up again. "I agree with Lord Rowan's initial proposal and Lady Stella's conditions," he decided. "Therefore, a majority consensus has been reached on this compromise. Let it be known. Callum Thorne, upon completing the initiation ceremony, you will have one week to become emissary for a werewolf pack. You will not be offered any other path. If you break any rules or do not complete this task within a week, you will be stripped of your power and returned to the world of man. Do you understand your punishment?"

"Yes, sir," Callum confirmed. "Thank you all for your leniency."

"The trial is concluded. I hereby end this Assembly of the Triumvirate," Lord River declared. "You may all return to your cabins."

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