Make Your Own Path

Start from the beginning

And of course, there went his starting point out the window, considering that Jo answered zero of all the times he called, not unusual, but annoying. The automated voice kept taunting him as he tried over and over again, to no avail. As a last resort, he did end up sending a text message, hoping she might get to it eventually.

With his first option gone, he turned to his plan b, the safest bet to get information, the library. The one that was found in his university to be exact, thankfully it being open even on weekends, considering students needed it. The place had helped him earlier this week, it may again today.

Wow, he had been here a few days ago, it feels like it's been months. So much has happened and the time just didn't seem to match it at all. It was all a bit discomforting.

Anyway, the point was, it was an easy access place, one that he had ventured in before and knew what it held. For the lack of maze related books it had, it made up on history, in the legends that went through it and its stories. And, as a perk, it did tend to have free spaces that he could occupy, though he hoped he could catch one of the secluded rooms.

But there was an obstacle in the way, a question. Would Louise be working today, or did she have the day off? Hob was absolutely certain that given the chance, she would corner him to grill any information possible out of him. For now, he fancied to keep this all under wraps still, not really knowing how he would explain it in the first place.

Hob did hope that the rooms were not a student only service. It could be said that professors had their own office, so it would just not make sense to use them. Just the image of having to carry many books to his office, maybe having to go back and forth, wasn't pleasant, especially if any colleague came to talk to him through it.

In any case, he was rather fond of his table by the corner. And, also, as a precaution, he would go buy an overpriced coffee and pastry, a bribe if Lou did end up making an appearance. It would be a peace offering for the moment, a take this and I'll humor you another day.

With a route set, he lamented now on having chosen to walk, should've called a cab or something. He already walked enough times towards here on normal days, there was no need to do it today as well. Considering the distance was a bit farther than what a normal morning job would entail.

Thankfully, he was dressed a bit more casual than normal, leaving his more professor look for classes only. It was terribly comfortable, especially when he also wasn't required to have the extra weight of his work bag, it being replaced by his sketch one instead. Hob just hoped he wouldn't have to bring back books with him, that would actually give him a proper workout.

At the sight of his beloved building, he almost let out a cheer. With just some extra turns, and a less heavy wallet, he was prepared to go through the threshold. It was funny, he felt even more nervous than when he confronted the creatures in his dream.

Being careful of not spilling anything, he made his way in, chatting for a few minutes with the security guard in front. With a nod, he ventured deeper into the area, not at all hiding from any students that may be his. What made it easier was that for some, it was a mutual feeling, also wishing to avoid him.

Passing by some bushes and a few other classes, he had finally made it into the entrance of the library, looming in all its glory. Before he was even able to calculate how to get the doors open, they did it by themselves. Or not truly by themselves, a very much recognizable hand letting them fall open, as if awaiting his arrival.

he hand turned out to be attached to a body, one that was muttering a song as quietly as possible. The tune slowly died down as the person noticed that someone was in front of them. Good thing he had actually come prepared.

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