Once is Happenstance, Twice is Coincidence, Three times is...

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One's mind tends to always be the first to snap out of a dream, the rest of the body gradually following along. Probably due to it never actually shutting off or something like that. As that happens, you go over this difficult debate in your head where you weigh the pros and cons of either truly waking up or just staying still. Faking being asleep, until you end up actually falling.

A trick he would do to see what option was probably for the best was slightly opening his eyes, letting his tired gaze land on his window, one located across his room. Doing it right now told him that the sunlight was indeed projecting right out of the glass, confirming his sad suspicion that it was morning.

Next step was double checking it with his alarm clock. Weather made it tricky to assess the outside sometimes. Hob couldn't help but groan seeing that it was too early to be up and about anyhow, it was a free day, he didn't need to be productive just yet.

Ugh, could someone explain to him what he had done to deserve this?

Did he just accidentally anger a higher being? Punishing him by making him lose a few more precious hours of sleep? Fine, maybe he was being a little bit dramatic, but he deserved it. He deserved to be as petty as he likes, considering he felt like he had just been rudely kicked out of his sleeping state.

All he truly wished for was to bury himself in what were his warm sheets. A futile thought and attempt really considering he was grazed with a cold breeze against his skin as he went looking for them blindly. Not the nicest thing to feel at this hour he can tell you that.

Maybe it would be easier if he used his eyes, but his soul was not yet willing to remove his face from the pillow. Hob really needed to figure out a way to stop himself from moving so much in bed. To at least stop himself from kicking his covers off.

Somehow, they had ended up falling down the side of his bed, barely a corner managing to survive sticking on the edge. With a quick pull, Hob wrapped himself properly, getting comfortable once more. He tried thinking of relaxing things, or nothing at all, whatever managed to place him back on the arms of Morpheus as the saying goes.

A minute passed, two... yeah, he wasn't going to go back to sleep anytime soon, was he? His mind was too restless, too awake, but still tired. The only thing Hob felt like he could compare it too was when one dreamt of too much but nothing at the same time.

Twisting, he changed positions until he just star fished, staring at the ceiling. Considering some energy was already festering inside him, he decided to just get up and do something. No need to stay idle.

A thing led to another and now he found himself downstairs. Outside of his home to be exact. And all he could think of was a simple question...

Why was it that for lessons to be learned, one had to go through mortifying ordeals first and foremost? Like for example, this mere moment. Fine then life, you win. He will make a permanent change to his routine, that being, checking the calendar right after he wakes up, and especially if he plans to go out.

Well, you couldn't really blame him, this time at least, him being a little sleep deprived and all.

You see, Hob had made the foolish mistake of thinking that perhaps a nice cup of tea and some outside air would help him start off the day properly. He even used the excuse of taking out the trash that had started to accumulate in the kitchen.

Considering it was going to only be a quick detour, he had just hastily thrown on the closest clothes he could find. An old shirt and some shorts, to be exact, perhaps not the best match, but it would do. The last thing he expected was to be intersected right outside before he could finish leaving things out and scurrying back upstairs.

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