Bring Me a Dream

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"Alright alright, but bare with me it was quite a while ago. Yes I know, I'm ancient, beat you to it. So, I believe it went something like this."


It shouldn't be as difficult as it was turning out to be to regulate his breathing. He tried to get in under control, for he feared that if he were to make any noise, it would end up alerting his attacker of his whereabouts. That was the last thing he needed, for the other to find him where he was now, sitting right behind a tree, one that seemed to have fallen what must have been ages ago, if the nature consuming it was anything to go by.

He had only managed to reach this refuge thanks to a layer of dust that had risen, obscuring the area where he had been.

It had been a shame how the intruder had taken him by surprise while he was heading back towards his king. He had been looking forward to it, for there had been so many things that he had wanted to tell him, having wanted to reach his castle as soon as possible. He just wanted to share all the things that he had seen and experienced in a tiny village nearby.

Against his wishes, he suffered an attack, one that had been so fast that he couldn't dodge it as he would have normally done. He placed the blame on his armor, he hadn't had the chance to polish it in many days, the grime must have weighed his movements down. Technically, a clean one would have made much difference, the other had started playing dirty since the very moment he had stepped in his vicinity.

Who kicked their opponents right on the chest? You were supposed to ask for a duel first, it just missed the elegance of it all. This wasn't recess when the teacher wasn't looking.

He didn't voice any of these thoughts, considering that he doubted that the shadow of a creature would answer. Instead, he focused on the pattern that the other took with his steps, hoping it would say anything about who he was dealing with. Not wishing to be ambushed again, Hob reached towards his sheath, preparing to defend.

His hands came out empty, he tried not to panic.

Hob looked all around him, hoping to see where he could have misplaced his weapon. A few meters from his position, he saw it shining, it must have slipped out due to the sudden movement that occurred. Hoping the other wouldn't notice, he crawled towards it.

As he was about to reach for the deep black handle, a steel boot came into view, stepping right on top of the blade.

The only thing Hob could do was look up, soulless eyes looking down at him through a slit, "So this is the knight everyone has been talking about? How... disappointing."

"Sorry to hear that I wasn't what you imagined," Hob shrugged. "that's just what happens when you catch someone off guard."

He rambled on, hoping it would give him enough time to pry the sword from underneath the boot, "Since you seem to know of me, may I know who you are?"

The young boy considered his words, before taking off his helmet, "Let me introduce myself then, I am Jamie the Devourer."

Hob jumped to his feet, Jamie the Devourer? He was known for bringing villages to ruin by destroying their homes and burning their fields. It was also said that he even dared to go as low as to kidnap princesses.

There was no way it was him, it's impossible, he was known for being a..., "I see you have finally realized who I truly am."

His words became distorted as he started to take a new form, the young boy transforming into a dragon. Hob would not give the creature the satisfaction of seeing him tremble, he would show no fear. He placed himself in a fighting stance, holding the sword tightly.

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