Riddles Aren't Just for Sphinxes

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It is the nature of humanity to question every single aspect of what is known as life. One could consider it a base need for them, that integrated wish they have to obtain knowledge, to figure out all there is to know. It is for that very reason that they spend most of their short life studying, researching, reading.

Many take it upon themselves to risk others, just for a touch of possible understanding. Not bothering to look at the ones left in the dust. Their greed grows, and even if they do gain the answers, they are not always satisfied with it.

The searchers end up twisting the words. Making them mean as they would prefer it to mean. They look for other possible explanations for what they see, for they have their biased beliefs.

In turn, this has caused even the simplest of words to have definitions upon definitions. Depending on who you question, you end up hearing it being described in many different manners. Once you add time to the equation, the meanings will also change as well.

As stated before, this is what it is to be human, but there is a misconception. This is not a behavior that belongs only to them, for beings far beyond their own imagination suffer through it as well. Though they may deny it.

For some, it is considered a weakness, just the concept of being compared to them. For others, it is nothing short of a blessing, getting to understand them on such a personal level. There is also a third option that one may find when analyzing, that being, those who do not even notice that they are as human as the humans are.

They are blinded by their own biases as much as some people are. They believe in their own word, setting it as the truth obsolete. For what they say, must be as it should be. They will accept not a word against them, for their fear betrays them, even if in a subconscious manner, they know that they are not always going to be in the right.

These similarities evolve in oneself almost as a side effect. Especially when one is connected to them, when one is part of them.

It is for this very reason that it is not surprising to gain an opinion as well. To have a personal way to see words, them gaining a new meaning. Especially when one is consumed by their own thoughts, experiencing the definition itself.

The definition of what darkness truly is.

If he was to throw his own contribution to the whirlwind, he would say this. The darkness is more than just the state of your surroundings. It is more than the night that envelops a field, more than the hidden depths of the sea.

They all do not hold a candle to what are the mysteries of one's mind. No paint can darken the way thoughts do when left alone to stir. The way their whispers feed into your head, blurring the sight that knows what is correct.

It has such a catastrophic power over oneself. Power that has been gifted by none other than the being to which it belongs to. The dastardly thing covering the tracks left behind in a professional way.

Through this skill that it has obtained, hallucinations start to occur. Figures start to appear, imagery of friends and nightmares alike. Worst of all, you start to believe these ghosts, you accept them, they end up comforting you.

For they are the only things that persist the loneliness that has attached to yourself.

At moments when your eyes clear just enough, you may see a more superficial darkness surrounding you. There is a phrase that says that sight returns even with no light. Shapes start to morph into recognizable silhouettes, but they still miss a key component, their details. Their existence begins to waver, as if they were never there in the first place, it is just all variations of dark greys and blacks.

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