The Birth of a Beginning

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Without even needing to open his eyes, he felt the sketchbook land right into the palm of his hand. It has been somewhat of an unconscious movement, but one that was deeply appreciated, especially since it made no direct contact with his head. He then fought against the protesting heaviness of his eyelids, forcing them to focus on flipping the pages.

In what were some quick strokes, he doted down word for word every single thing spoken by the guardians. The phrases muttered in their last conversation to be precise. Not even time would make him forget such a riddle, Hob would not let it, hence why he stored it physically while it was still present in his mind.

Had this outcome truly been a spur of the moment thing? Was the riddle just randomly chosen and gifted to him or was it just all prepared? For all he knew, the narrative may have known that this was what was meant to happen, the conclusion meant to be reached. The phrase having been ready to grace his being the moment he uttered the possibility, it having been selected by the mysterious lord.

This whole thing would be solved soon enough, for when his mind properly woke up. When it would eventually be prepared to obsess over this mysterious 'Prince of Stories'. But right at this moment? The words blurred where they resided. Maybe Louise was up to something, he may need to practice his calligraphy.

Giving his attention to the clock near him, he noticed how he had actually managed to sleep somewhat in today, having woken around nine. Another gift then, proper rest with a normal waking time. Him still even having an hour or so to lay about.

Toying with the pencil at hand, he quickly remembered another detail that he wished to write down. That being, the species of the creatures that had greeted him in his dream. There was no harm in gaining extra knowledge that may help him in the long run. Who knew what he could stumble upon, perhaps even ways to properly trick them according to myths, or something that could persuade them, if they worked through instincts. To bring a bribery of sorts.

Mythology had always been a fascinating topic, one that he didn't always get a chance to enjoy, he really should use this as an excuse to start. So much could be learned from tales told from mouth to mouth, from century to another. Many of which influenced a variety of writings, using them as base.

Happy with what he got done, he threw the sketchbook back to where it was, the pencil going along with it. Him only regretting it for a split second, considering it may have broken the lead. Didn't matter though, he much preferred to fake sleep at the moment, to just stay comfortable here and try to rest for a little while longer.

Hob was almost certain that he had managed to doze off for a few minutes at least, maybe an hour even. Now he felt a bit more up to waking up to the fullest. He had the luck that, as it was Friday, he would have an elongated weekend, considering he had them off. Another lucky schedule miracle that he obtained, which helped ease the pain of not having gotten Mondays instead.

With this being the case, it didn't really mean that he was without work. Mostly, it meant that he could be found in the New Inn. Covering what was some shifts or just helping his employees around the place, considering how busy Fridays could get.

Unlike others, he didn't mind the overflow of people that walked through the doors, the noise that they could cause. It just gave him an opportunity to listen to the lives of so many fascinating individuals. Something about the building, maybe its drinks or just the general atmosphere caused so many to just share every aspect of their day to day. And as someone interested in history, he enjoyed watching all these rumblings play out.

Wasn't it just amazing how much humanity had evolved with time, but still has the need to go out and socialize? Through these tiny sneak peeks into a person's mind, you can start to fantasize the impact that they could end up having towards the world. A beginning that could be due to mere coincidence, of meeting someone at the right spot. Made you wonder what destiny was up to.

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