The Birth of a Beginning

Start from the beginning

He was getting ahead of himself, all that could wait until later tonight, when most would get out of work to get a pint. For now, he just finished dressing up, getting ready to go downstairs with his laptop, notes, and pens. It would help him kill time before joining the rest behind the bar.

Moving almost automatically, Hob went directly to what was basically his table. As if knowing of his approach, it was found empty, as it always had. It made him ponder if his employees kept it reserved for him, hoping that to not be the case considering how much he insisted that it wasn't necessary. He opted to believe it was magic instead.

With utmost care, he set his laptop down, turning it on as soon as he did. As it took its time, he let his hand roam, caressing the wood of the table. Helping to ground him.

Hob liked the feeling of the dips between the sections of wood. Often, he would find himself distracted by it, letting his nails submerge into the holes, sometimes creating new ones. A sort of play with the texture it created.

Noticing his presence at some point, one of the workers came up to him. Greetings out of the way, they asked if he wished to order something. Feeling quite hungry indeed, he asked for today's special, with a coffee to accompany it with.

The plate came soon after, while he flipped through his notes. An action that then turned into him writing stuff down, much coming from the research that he was diving into. Time flew past, the small numbers at the bottom of his screen notifying him of the hour, the cold coffee on his side stating it as well. He still downed it, not a drop left behind.

Having not wanted to dig into the riddle just yet, he had prepared some distractions. This led to him basically becoming an expert of what creatures were. The term in specific and the individuals of importance.

He has skimmed through many articles on the internet. Them just barely introducing what would be the tip of the iceberg. Ideas polluted his head, making him connect dots that may have belonged more to his imagination than anything else.

When looking for information in general, he found how so many cultures had creatures so similar to others. So much distance separating them all, but somehow, they all shared similar descriptions of beings that walked the earth. The main difference came more in what was the purpose of each of them.

Some of the aspects also became a game to himself. Hob read about what were the supposed beings and their most likely real life counterpart. It was incredulous to see how messed up they could make the basics of things. Some medieval art depicting this exact thing also came into his hands, deciding then and there that he needed a copy for his own place.

Gazing down at the papers close at hand, he saw how part of the data he had obtained were surrounded by doodles of the guardians. Most looking in what could be described in the crudest of manners. Turns out, they were almost as difficult to draw as the hands were, but at least you got the gist of it.

There were just so many questions he wished to ask them. Not that he thought they would dare answer, they would most likely just scoff at him instead. In a weirdly polite manner though.

At this specific time, he read up on all he could find of them, of their species, but there was a specific thing that was bothering him more and more. He wondered if it came from miscommunication between what was real and written. That was his bet anyway.

For the griffin and the wyvern, they appeared to be as seen. Their descriptions not too far from their truth. The hippogriff on the other hand... What a mess.

Even he would have called that a pegasus more than a hippogriff. It was a horse with wings, not whatever these creatures seemed to be. Would it be insulting for the creature to even compare them to these drawings? Are the horse variations what is actually meant to look like and not this?

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