Third person pov

Goku walks into the class, hands in his pockets as he strolled to sit next to Bulma. He immediately notices a pile on her desk

"What are all those?" He asked curiously

" Homewood " she replied nonchalantly


" Of course we do. You didn't forget right? She gave us 2 weeks to complete it"

"Shit! "

The teacher walks into the class and immediately goes round, collecting the assignment.

" How did you forget? Even Yamcha did his" Krillin looked at Goku in shock and fear for what the teacher would do"

When the teacher had reached Goku, she frowned

" I forgot my homework at home, ma'am. May I bring it in tomorrow? " He asked, puppy eyes in display

She cooed

" Anything for my Goku." She squeezed his cheek softly and left to collect the others.

Bulma and Krillin looked at him in pure shock.

" You sneaky bitch! " She whisper yelled while Goku giggled

" I guess being the teacher's pet has some perks" Krillin facepalmed.

*Time skip*

"Fuck this! I have a plan"

It's the end of another week and Bulma has just about had it

"What are you talking about Blue?"

"I can't just sit here while Chichi is unhappy. I'm going to talk to her dad"

Amanda choked. She stared at Bulma with wide eyes

"He's hard to convince. Trust me, I've tried."

"You aren't just using the right approach" she smirked. She looked like a maniac with a crazy plan.

"I don't like that look in her eyes. She's planning something big" 18 shivered

"Oh it's nothing big, I'm just gonna talk to him. That's all"

"We're scared of what you're gonna say. That's the problem." Krillin said

With that, they part ways, Bulma and Amanda heading towards the King resident in Bulma's car. Her driver greetihg her with a warm smile. She immediately tells him to make a stop for the King resident which Amanda describes for him.

"I'm just gonna warm you, my dad's is a big ass sometimes. So just be nice, polite and go straight to the point. " Amanda says. Bulma nods

" Basic manners. I can handle that" she smiles at herself

They arrive, Bulma telling her driver to wait up a bit. She doesn't really drive home but she requested for him today. Amanda walks into the house without knocking, I mean, it's her house.

"Dad, I'm home"

"Hey munchkin, who is this? "

" She's..... "

" I'm Bulma. Bulma Briefs. It's a pleasure to meet  you " Bulma cut Amanda, stretching out her hand to be Shaked.

" B-briefs??!! As in the scientist Briefs?! "

" Yup. " Bulma nods in pride.

" Wow, I'm a huge fan of your dad's work." He says, shaking her hand.  "It's an honour to meet you. What can I offer you? Please sit and..... "

" It's no biggie. I'll make this as quick as possible as I have to head home too . I'll just go straight to the point. I'm a friend of Chichi and I....... "

"Really? Let me get her for.... "

" Dad" Amanda cut him off." Let her finish"

" R-right. I apologize. Go on Miss Briefs" He's just really exited to be talking to the daughter of a famous scientist.

Bulma nods. " Well, I was kinda upset to hear she got homeschooled because she broke her curfew once. " She stated

" Well... "

" And I know Chichi well enough to know she wouldn't do that on purpose. " She raised an eyebrow

" W-well, I just didn't want her to get hurt y'know? I love her and I want the best for her... "

" But you took away her happiness? "

" I felt it's what is best for her. " He sighed. Bulma got him in a tight corner.

" Look" Bulma sighed " I know Goku. I've known him since we were 8. And I know that Goku could never hurt a fly. Rather, he tries his very best to protect everyone he knows and loves. Goku is a great guy. Trust me, hell never hurt Chi. If anything he'll hurt anyone who hurts her." She finished her speech " And right now, you're the one who is hurting her. I don't want her to fall into depression. It's not good for her PTSD. If anything, this'll make it worse. "

He looked shocked by that statement. " You know about her PTSD? "

" Yeah, at the sleepover, me and Goku helped her. He swooped into action before I even noticed she was having an attack" Amanda replied.

" He cares so much about her, as do all our friends. We really miss her and I came on behalf of our friend group to plead with you. Chichi doesn't like being homeschooled and I know it's taking a toll on her, both physically and mentally. Before you know it, she'll fall into a deep depression and trust me, it's going to be hard to get her out of that."

" So... What do you want me to do now? " Mr King asked. " I only want the best for Chichi. I didn't even know she was hurting. " He sighs.

" I think bringing her back to school will make her happy " Bulma said. " Being around people she cares about will bring a lot of positive energy and make her feel way more better than being locked up in the house 24/7"

Mr King sighs. He wants the best for his baby, but he also wants her to be happy. He just doesn't want her to leave him. The way she did.

" Okay, I'll allow her back in school. "

Bulma and Amanda cheered.

" But Bulma"

" Yes sir?"

" Pleae keep an eye on my baby. She means so much to me"

Bulma smiled

" You can count on me"

1520 words

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