"Goku is a boy, isn't he?"

I can't believe this man

"Well, yeah. But he's different. Goku is sweet, kind and ready to do anything for his friends. He's selfless, caring and very friendly. Not the smartest but he's getting there. He's willing to learn new things. He's even friends with a scientist's daughter so he's getting there." I'm trying really really hard to defend Goku here. I really don't want to be home schooled. It's the worst.

"That's enough. I don't want to hear any more excuses. You're being homeschoolled and that's final!! Now go get your books. Your teacher will be here in 10." He says walking away.

I huff in annoyance. "Great! You've made it in the list for being THE worst father in the world!! CONGRATULATIONS!! " I yelled as I walk to my room and slam the door.

I can't believe he's trapping me here. I can't go out, I can't see Bulma or 18, I can't see Krillin and Tien anymore. What's worse is I can see Goku. I can't even contact them because he's with my phone. This sucks!! I sigh. There's a knock on my door.

"Your teacher is here. Get down in the next 3 minutes or you're not going to like what I'll do."

Ugh!!, Why is he being like this? This is the worse. I take my books and go downstairs in annoyance. I might be angry but I know my limits.


Third person pov

Back at school, the news shook all of them, well, Vegeta couldn't care less but we're just gonna ignore him for now. The news hit Goku right where it hurts.

"Whatdya mean she ain't coming back?!" Bulma asks

"She's being homeschoolled."

"Homeschoolled??!!” 18 asks

"But why?" 17 asks, as if him and 18 talk telepathically

"Dad thinks it'll 'keep her away from boys that'll mess her up'. So stupid" Amanda huffs. She's annoyed that that's what her uncle decided on doing.

(A/N Amanda and Chichi are cousins but Amanda call him dad because he basically has been there since she was born as her real mum died after her birth and her real dad committed suicide because of the loss of his wife.)

"Fuck. Being homeschoolled is the worst. Remember when we were homeschoolled?" 17 says, asking his sister as they reminisce on the trauma that is homeschool

"It wasn't that bad 17. You just didn't like staying put as the extrovert that you are. I actually liked it". 18 countered

"Goku?" Krillin said, waving his hand Infront if Goku's face. It seems like he's in a trance.

"Goku!" Bulma snapped her fingers Infront of his face, bringing him back

"You good buddy?" Krillin asked.


That did it

Goku stood up, eyes getting blurry and watery. And walked out.

"Gee, I feel bad for him". Amanda sighed

"I'm going after him" Krillin stood up and walked in the sake direction Goku went.

"I'm coming too"

"Uhhh.... It's best you sit this one out Vegeta" Bulma stated, fearing what Vegeta might say to a sensitive Goku.

"What?! Why?!" Vegeta growls

"That's why." Bulma sighed. "When Goku cries, the best way to help him is comfort. Either by sweet words or hugs. You're not the right person to turn to for either"

" She's kinda right there dude" Tien replied

" Tch. Whatever " Vegeta gave up

"But I AM curious. What made her come home past curfew?" Bulma asks

"Yeah. It's unlike her to do something like that." 18 says.

Amanda sighed and began telling them how she had gone out with Goku after school.

Goku's pov

"You've got Chichi, please leave a message"

"Straight to voicemail. I thought so."

I'm so stupid! Why did I keep her out for that long. She kept telling me that she wanted to go but I kept her. I was so selfish. I just so stupid. Fuck. I hate myself right now. I feel a soft touch on my shoulder, taking me out of my thoughts

"Hey buddy."


I was currently at the back of the school under a cherry blossom tree. I like to come here when I want to be alone. The only people that know about me coming here is Krillin and Bulma.

"Need a tissue?" Krillin asks sitting next to me

"Yeah. Thanks." I take the tissue from him. "I feel like shit right now." I laugh with more tears running down my face

"Why though?"

"Isn't it obvious? It's my fault. I kept her past her curfew that I didn't even know she had. She kept telling me that she wanted to go home but I was so selfish. I just wanted to spend time with her. I really like her and I knew that I don't stand a chance. I may never have another opportunity to hang with her alone." I sigh. "Now l-look where that left m-me. I made her homeschoolled and I'll n-never s-see her again". I break down. I'm really hurt. " This s-sucks. I f-feel awful" I cry into Krillin's shoulder.

"Dude, you're gonna make me cry too" Krillin sniffs "but I understand. You need to cry to feel better. I'll be here with you" without being told twice, I cried. I cried and cried until I couldn't cry anymore.


So. Here's another chapter. Please comments. My life is boring.

1368 words

Dbs In high schoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora