"Alright, I'll walk you home." I say. I don't want to leave her yet.

"That'll be nice"


Chichi's POV

We arrive at my house and I'm internally praying that dad isn't home. He gets overprotective, especially at night.

"Thanks for walking me home Goku. I had a great day today."

"Sure. I had fun today too. Take Care of yourself okay?" He says, handing me my backpack back. I swing it on my back.

"I will." I reply. I have the sudden urge to hug him and I think he thinks so too.

"Hug?" He asks, opening his arms

I can't resist. So I hug him. And this has to be the best hug I've ever received in my whole life. Its so warm and I feel so safe in his arms. I feel his arms on my waist and the butterflies in my stomach go feral. I look up at him, his dark eyes are beautiful in this lighting, his smile is so perfect and I just want to kiss him so and. But for obvious reasons I don't.

"I should go in. "I say breaking the silence.

"Yeah." He says, letting go off my waist.

I walk to the door. I turn around and wave

"Good night Goku."

"Night Chi. Sleep well". He waves back and I walk into the house, my heart beating hysterically

"And where have you been?" I tense up, recognizing that strict voice anywhere, the voice I was praying not to hear right now. My father.  "Do you know how worried I was? I called so many times but you didn't pick up!! Why did you ignore my calls??!!" He yells

"I didn't heat my phone ring. It's been in my bag all day" I open my bag and fish out my phone.

Chichi's phone
Tue, 12 May

7 Missed calls

12 Missed calls
Crazy gurl Mandy👁👄👁

35 Missed calls

"I swear, I didn't check my phone.."

"And you didn't hear it or feel it vibrate"

"No, Goku was holding my ba..."

"Who is Goku?" He asks, looking at me with disbelief

"My friend, we hung out after school..."

"That's why you stayed out 2 hours after curfew? On a school day??" Oh man. He sounds mad.

"We didn't intend on staying this late, we just bough ice cream and we went to the lake. He even walked me home..."

"HE??!!" I'm screwed. "You are following guys around now? Like that slut?!"

"Mum was never a slut!" I say defending her. He always brings her up when a guy is involved in my life.

"SHUT UP!! WHAT DO YOU KNOW??!!" He closes his eyes and sighs heavily. "Go to your room." He says calmly and it's scary. "You're grounded" he says snatching my phone from me. "And you're not getting this back until I say so"

"But dad..."


Dbs In high schoolDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora