005 morning, sunshine

Start from the beginning

Just as I'm about to eat my first puff, the doorbell rings, and my head snaps towards the door. I know it's not my mom. She wouldn't ring, she would just use her key.

Since Matt's busy, I go to answer it. I set the bag of chips down on the counter and lick the cheesy dust from my fingers as I make my way over. I peek through one of the long, skinny windows on either side of the door to find two officers, but they're dressed a little different than the ones I've seen around town. I think they might be state troopers.

I slowly open the door and look up at them, trying to sound as polite as possible, "Hi. Um... can I help you?"

One of the men responds, "Is your dad home?"

"My stepdad is, yeah." With my eyebrows furrowed in confusion, I turn around and call out, "Matt, it's for you!" My palms feel clammy as I turn back to the officers with a tight-lipped smile. I step aside, holding the door open wide. "Uh... come in."

The officers enter the house just as Matt joins us in the foyer. I watch my stepfather's face drop at the sight of them.

Did he do something wrong?

"Hello, officers. Is there... anything I can do for you?"

The state troopers both remove their hats, and the same one as before speaks again, "I'm very sorry to inform you of this, sir. But your wife, Carmen, passed away in a tragic accident."

I jolt awake with a sharp gasp.

I've been having recurring nightmares in the more than two years since my mother's passing. Some are just my imagination taunting me, and others, like that one, are memories.

I lay on my back on the pullout couch, staring at the ceiling, my heartbeat unsteady. Soft sunlight spilling through the windows and the sound of birds chirping outside helps to calm me, but I still find it slightly difficult to breathe. There's a weight on my chest. Literally. I turn my head to see JJ laying face down into the pillow beside me, his heavy arm draped over my chest.

How can he even breathe like that?

I try to get up, but he only tightens his hold on me. He turns onto his side, his nose tickling the side of my neck as his arms snake tightly around my waist, his soft grumbles filling the room.

Watching the sleeping boy, I feel a smile creep onto my lips. His blond hair dangles over to mingle with his eyebrows, his cheeks are rosy with the remnants of last week's sunburn, and the tiniest hint of a content smile is visible on his lips. He looks so peaceful. I almost don't want to disturb him, but my body is aching with the need to get out of bed. That springy ass pullout mattress probably broke my spine.

After fighting against his sleepy grasp for a few seconds, I'm finally able to pry him off of myself and roll off the pullout. And somehow, he remains asleep through it all, his soft snores sounding out just as I get to my feet.

I have a brief moment of confusion when I find myself wearing only my leggings and bralette. For a second, I think maybe we had too much fun last night and I drunkenly gave into his strip Uno idea. I almost forgot how after the power cut off, the Chateau became unbearably hot, so I shed the hoodie I had stolen from my best friend. But of course, he didn't have a single complaint to make about that. One way or another, he got his wish after all.

JJ and I stayed up for hours playing games, drinking, smoking, talking, and laughing. I wonder if my brother was able to get any sleep with all of our commotion.

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