It was a bloody massacre, men dressed in light brown over coats and and simple caps could be seen firing bolt action rifles as they were fighting a desperate battle within a port town. Their attackers-!


Ducking under cover, a young rifle men could be seen clutching his rifle close to his chest. He was hiding behind some over turn wagons as explosions and flames surround his person. He was dressed and armed like everyone else here, yet he wore a face of fear.

Peaking over his cover and looking down one of the many cobblestone roads within the town, he could see them. Men dressed like the Empire's troops, but were far too different to even be called imperials. In their hands, the boy saw machine guns that were smaller than his rifle cut down dozens of his fellow defenders.

The constant fire with no room for rest had left the boy strained as he tried but failed to fire back. He could never full bring his weapon to bear. With rapid breaths, the boy scanned his surroundings until his eyes laid upon the armoured land ship. His eyes were wide as he ducked down in cover, then an explosion erupted around him as men were burned or torn apart by the explosion.

"Where's our reinforcements!" One man asked down the line as he fired. Another, a man with a badge on his shoulder showing his rank, spoke out with a gruff voice.

"Their being pinned down by the artillery fire coming from the sea!" Distant explosions could also be heard, though if they were really from the sea or from one of these land ships, the boy just didn't know.

"I-I don't wanna die." The boy, quietly whispered to himself as another explosion landed near him. His ears were ringing from the shock, his fists were white from gripping his rifle. Slowly, he raised his head up but stopped as he stared down the barrel of the land ship. Then, in an instant, the boy's world was suddenly engulfed in flames as the tank fired its main gun.

Finally breaking through the barrier, the steady hum of the tank's engines roared as the treads started moving the tank forward. The squad of homunculus that were following the tank would move up as well. The KU garrison conscripts who survived could all be seen running, though most didn't make it far as they were gunned down by either the tank's machine gun or the infantry that followed.

"Keep pushing forward, we've got a schedule to keep and time is not on our side! Move it!" The Captain of the unit said as he ushered his troops forward.

All around the large town, similar one sided engagements could be seen taking place all over the city. Speed was the name of the game, as each and every unit with a tank could be seen crushing defence after defence while holding nothing back in their blitiz. Out at sea, a fleet of warships could be seen sailing with an almost silent stare.

That is, until the dozen or so guns on every ship lights up and buries the island in explosions, fire, dust, and rubble. 

. . .



Firing a full broad side of 16.9 inch shells, the black haired devil known as Deutschland could be seen standing atop her bridge with an evil grin on her face as her sharp shark like teeth are there to see. "KAHAHAHAHAHA! Run! Run you filthy dogs! Run until you fall flat on your ass so that I could shoot you without trying! HAHAHAHA!!"

Her laughing could be heard from the second ship which was trailing her and matching her firing marks. The ship in question was Kaiser, and she was now enjoying Deutschland's little taunting. In fact, she could even hear it over the radio, meaning she's broadcasting her voice on an open channel.

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