28. Practice

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"Ugh...." Digger groans. He gets up and turns off his anoying alarm clock. "Digger come eat brekkie! You have cricket practice" His Mum shouts. "Ugh...coming..." Digger grunts. He cleans his teeth, fixes his hair, and then walks into the kitchen. Rusty and Dusty were already sitting down. Dusty was waiting, paitently for brekkie, and Rusty was on his phone. Digger sits down next to Rusty. "Here ya go" Their Mum sets down a plate of eggs and toast.

Dusty starts devouring her food. Rusty hasn't eaten yet "Rusty get off that phone and start eating" His Mum commands. "Ok fine.." Rusty says quietly. He puts his phone away. "Were you texting Jack again?" Dusty asks. "Uh...N-No..." Rusty stutters, as his face turns red. "I Can't believe you got a boyfriend before me..." Digger whispers. "I mean uh...I can't believe you got in a relationship before me" Digger says, trying to redeem himself. "Digger likes boys! Digger likes boys!" Dusty chants. "Ugh, you're so damn anoying!" Digger shouts.

"Digger! Practice! Now!" His Mum shouts. "Ok.....Bye" Digger walks out of the doorstep and gets into his car.

He parks in front of the field where he had cricket practice. He sees his friends Tiny, Captin, and Mia. He steps out of the car and onto the felid. "Hey Coach!" He shouts. "G'day Digger!" Coach shouts back. He walks up to his friends on the bleachers. "Hey Guys!" He says as he sets his bag down. "Hey Digger!" Captin and Mia say in unison. "H-Hi Digger" Tiny says nervously. "Hi Tiny..." Digger responds. "Alright! Get over here!" The Coach shouts. The four get up and get in a single file line to bat. Captin was up first. "3...2...1!" The Coch flings the ball towards captin.


Captin hits the ball extremely far. "Woah! Nice one!" The Coach shouts. It was now Mia's turn. "3....2....1!" The Coach shouts.


The ball almost got as far as Captin's. "Good one!" The Coach yells. "I-I'm a bit nervous...I'm better at throwing rather than hitting..." Tiny whispers to Digger. "Your fine Tiny. Just watch me" Digger says in a comforting tone. "Digger!" The Coach shouts. Digger walks up and the coach hands him a bat. "Alright....3....2....1!"


Digger hit the ball further than Captin and Mia combined. "Woah! That was amazing mate!" The Coach shouts happily. "Woah...he's so good..." Tiny whispers, he starts to blush a little. "Your turn Tiny!" Digger says as he pats Tiny on the back. "O-Oh...Ok...." Tiny stutters. The Coach hands him a bat. Tiny takes a deep breath. "3....2....1!" The ball starts hurling towards Tiny.


Tiny hits the ball almost as far as Captin. "Nice Job!" Coach says. Tiny let's out a sigh of relief. He heads back to the bleachers with everyone else. "I knew you could do it mate!" Digger says happily. "Y-Yeah..." Tiny says as he sits down.

"Alright! That was great guys! Now we're gonna focus on throwing!" The Coach anouces. They all get up. "Your up Tiny!" The Coach shouts. He hands Tiny a ball "You ready Tiny?" The Coach asks. Tiny nods. "You ready Digger?" The Coach asks. "Yup!" Digger shouts as he gets in his batting position. "3....2....1!"
Tiny throws the ball extremely hard at Digger.


The ball hits Digger right in the gut and he falls to the dirt. "Ouch..." Captin whispers to Mia. "DIGGER!" Tiny screams. "I-I-I'm Sorry......A-Are you ok...?" Tiny aks with a worried expression. "Y-Yeah...I'm fine..." Digger groans while he clenches his stomach. The Coach helps Digger onto the bleachers. "You should probably sit this one out mate.." The Coach says to Digger. "C'mon Tiny!" The Coach yells. "I-Is it ok if I stay with Digger?" Tiny asks. "Yeah, I guess that's alright" the Coach responds. "You ok..?" Tiny asks. "Y-Yeah..I'm fine.." Digger replies.

Digger watches the clouds. Tiny stares at him. "I....I can do this...." He says in his head. "Hey...Um...D-Digger?" Tiny stutters. "Yeah?" Digger asks. "I...Have something to...T-Tell you...." Tiny says as his face turns red. "I...uh....I-I like you..." Tiny admits. Digger's face turns red aswell. "Oh...uhm...I...I...D-Do to..." Digger says as he stares at the grass. They sit there in silence until the Coach comes over.

"You good enough to play Digger?" He asks. "Y-Yeah, I think I'm good.." Digger responds, his face still red. They finish thier cricket practice until its time to head home.

"Have a good night everyone!" The Coach shouts as everyone heads home. "Digger gets in his car as he waves goodbye to Tiny. They drive off and head home...

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