Chapter Twenty-One: Road-Trip

Start from the beginning

"Don't listen to a word our father said, he's as good as dead to the rest of us. He should be to you too, which means not even remembering any of that shit." Archer says from beside us before opening his door and calling over his shoulder. "Now come on, I'm hungry."

Just at that moment May's stomach rumbled and I couldn't stop the chuckle from falling from my smiling lips.


We stare at the rain-covered windshield. Archer and I share a brief look before we eye the excited May.

'Anything for her.' I said mentally.

He nodded his head in agreement and I studied my brother a little closer. I couldn't stop myself from revealing the fact that he loved her. I knew a normal reaction would have been to get mad and confront him about it but I found that I didn't care. May deserved all the love she could handle and if I've learned anything, sometimes life ends before you expect and I would rest easy knowing Archer had her. That they had each other.

She followed him out of the truck and I opened my own door, instantly getting soaked from the heavy, thunderless rainfall. We ran towards the deserted beach. We had the whole thing to ourselves. 

I stared out at the beach and my heart stopped before it started beating wildly in my chest.

Her body was soaking wet, her clothes clung to her like a second skin. Water ran down her face, her eyelashes clung together making it appear as if she had mascara on. Her perfect rosy lips are parted, water dripping down them slowly. Her black hair, which was the first thing I noticed about her all of them months ago, clung together like braids as they whipped around into the storm. 

She was magnificent, earth-shattering, mind-blowing.

The laughter coming from her was the sound of a siren, her blue eyes striking me down like lightning.

I was entranced, to the point of no return. I walked to her, my steps steady.

My body portrayed that it was under control when everything about me at this moment was out of control. The breath I took was filled with her, the thoughts that made me move, moved because of her. When I blinked my eyes it wasn't because of the rain but to make sure she was real. When my heart beat it was because of how fucking delectable her body looked.

When I finally stood in front of her, she looked up at me like I personally hung the moon and stars. She looked at me like I was her salvation instead of her damnation. For just a moment I was glad that Daniel Martines was born, there hasn't been a day that's gone by since Angelina died that I didn't wake up wishing he had never existed until this very moment.

Without thought, I put my hands on her hips and pulled her into me. Her eyes bounced between both of mine wildly. Was she as entranced with me as I was with her?

She felt soft in my hands, she molded to my body perfectly.

"August." She says breathlessly before she looks down to my lips and I have to hold back a groan from the lust in her eyes.

"May," I whispered putting my forehead against hers. the world spun around us, we were alone in this moment.

We were understanding each other, unlike anyone who has understood us.

I glanced at her lips before I crashed mine down on hers forcefully.

I pulled her even tighter to me, not being able to get her close enough. I wanted her under my skin so deep that we could never be separated again.

She sighed against my mouth before pushing her lips back against mine, with more force than I thought she had in her.

Shaking like a leaf I forced myself to pull away from her so I could see how she was reacting to the kiss. I've never had good self-control but for her, I was willing to tie myself down if I needed to.

May has trauma, trauma that revolved around a man's lust. I wanted to be the one to show her how a real man treats a woman. Wanted to be the one to teach her that the lust swimming behind my eyes didn't always end with her being hurt.

So, I pulled back and leaned down, and softly kissed her cheek. "Your beautiful."

"Fucking finally!" Archer yells into the sky while he looks at us with a pearly white small of his own. 

May's cheeks colored red and she hid her face in my chest, her smile never leaving her face.

I stared at the sky and screamed nearly as loud as I could. "I'M TRYING SO FUCKING HARD IT HURTS AND I'M STILL SCARED IT WON'T BE ENOUGH!"

Archer spins around, water dripping from him in every direction. "I'M SO LONELY I CAN'T BREATH SOMETIMES!"

May looks to the both of us with surprise, tears gathering in her eyes. "I ALWAYS FEEL LIKE A BURDEN EVERYWHERE I GO!"

"I WANT TO FORGET EVERYTHING THAT HURT ME!" I screamed, my chest throbbing with the confession.

We all whisper our next truth.

"I'm terrified to close my eyes at night because I see them..." His kidnappers.

"I'm terrified to close my eyes at night because I see them..." Her rapist.

"I'm terrified to close my eyes at night because I see her..." Angelina.


This chapter was *chefs kiss*.

I hope you liked it as much as me. 

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