Replaced - Part 2

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Wade was deathly silent as he made his way to the tower, his fingers fiddling with the keys in his pocket. His eyes fixed to the pavement in front of him, his mind still absently going over the events of that night.

He glanced up at the large tower, the weird shape of it making it stand out against all the others. Only after he'd set his eyes upon the grand building did his anger rise through his body again, the rage that had simmered down on the long walk from Peter's place to the tower.

He walked through the main doors, looking as sketchy as ever. He never wore anything other than his hoodie and jeans to the tower, unless of course, on the rare occasion, they needed his help for a mission.

He quickly slipped around the side of the mettle detectors, taking a few steps back until he had walked into the open elevator, thanking the Gods that Friday still let him in even though he didn't have his keycard.

"Where is everyone?" Wade asked as the doors closed, successfully sneaking past Tony's terrible guards. He used to do it for fun, constantly getting a telling off from Peter. However, Wade was no longer in the mood for 'fun'.

"They're in the lounge Mr. Wilson, would you like me to take you there?"

"Yes." Wade looked down at his clenched fists. He wished he had his suit on him, he wished he had his katanas or at least his guns. Hell his knuckle dusters would do.

The elevator finally dinged, interrupting his thoughts of all the things he could do with his plethora of deadly weapons he didn't have. The sound of people talking and the TV playing filled his ears, the thought that they were all casually living their lives while his sweetheart had been trying to take his own made his anger swell.

It made the rage flicker into an uncontrollable fire within him, a fire that fuelled his body into stepping forwards, a fire that hadn't burnt this hard for a long time.

His eyes immediately flicked towards Steve talking to who he assumed was Bucky, they were stood in the kitchen chatting between themselves. Wade didn't care for the two of them, his eyes turning instead to the living room where he spotted Clint sat on the sofa, his eye's meeting Wade's within a few seconds of being under the mercs hard glare.

Then, almost as if on cue, Tony motherfucking Stark himself waltzed into the room, balls deep in some sort of paperwork and Wade felt the fire blaze through him, felt it burn as it made it's way to his fists. The ringing in his ears getting louder. The rage blocking out whatever it was the iron bastard had attempted as a greeting.

If his steps were any heavier, they would have created dents within the platinum flooring. It took him merely three long strides to get to where Tony was, and within a split second, the billionaire was on the floor, blood oozing from his nose.

Wade hoped he had broken it, but considering his hand didn't hurt in the slightest, he knew that despite the adrenaline, he would have been able to feel the repercussions of the blow.

Tony's glasses had split across the bridge of his nose before flying off his face, landing in pieces next to him. Before any of the Avengers in the room could react, Wade was on top of the older man, holding him by the scruff of his shirt, landing blow after blow across his face.

The adrenaline pulsing through Wades body numbed the pain of his split knuckles, his own blood mixing with Tony's.

Tony's arms were raised in defence, not that that stopped Wade in the slightest. What eventually stopped him was Steve grabbing him by the hood of his jumper, throwing him across the room.

Wade didn't falter, he rolled back up off the floor crouched in a steady position. He rose back up striding back towards the duo, followed now by the rest of the Avengers, armed and at the ready.

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