Peni Solstice (Penn)

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NAME: Peni Solstice

AGE: 13 1/2




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Cottage Core/Dark Academia

Mummy AND Daddy Issues

Doesn't know if she has another mum OR a dad cause Dr Solstice never talks about it

No Friends

Wants Friends

Needs Friends

Wanna be Her Friends


Sees Brynleigh s the cool older sister

Looks up to Jude (WHYYYYY)

Braids her hair up when shes anxious 

Almost always has Braids

Slays Dark colours like dark blue and black

Adorable as hell

Has a sweet giggle

Had a gay awakening watching a Disney Movie

Cries during the sad bits in most movies

Laughed really loud at a movie night at elixir during a murder scene cause she over head someone say something funny everyone stared at her and she is still embarrassed by it

Straightened her hair once and Brynleigh got upset (even though this was after Brynleigh knew she was the reason she was loosing her memory) Cause it was Peni changing herself to fit in

Follows Maddie Zahm 

Sings 'Eightball Gril' every morning

Has No Roommate 

Her best friend was Brynleigh

Lost her best friend

Hates Herself

Needs a Hug

and preferably a Girlfriend

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