Sunshine and Rain what could go wrong? pt 1

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Braydyn Pasternack was NOT in love with Sunshine Anders

He just liked the way the when she smiled her scar tugged to the corners of her face, The way her eyes squinted closed and all the tiny smile lines revealed themself and the way her dimples popped whenever she smiled. 

So Braydyn was in Love with her Smile But Not Her

Braydyn Pasternack was NOT in love with Sunshine Anders

He just liked how her voice went from soft and gentle to Loud and Annoyed whenever he contradicted her, the way it wavered with nervousness or shook with power, the way her voice jumped around like a child on Christmas when she spoke of things she loved.

So Braydyn was in Love with her voice But Not Her

Braydyn Pasternack was NOT in love with Sunshine Anders

He just found it refreshing that she wasn't obsessed with flaunting her body but also that she didn't hide her body away as if it wasn't beautiful she wore simple and exciting cloths nice pale or 'basic' colors that exenterated the small curves of her body. 

So Braydyn was in Love with her body But Not Her

Braydyn Pasternack was NOT in love with Sunshine Anders

He just liked hearing her laugh the way it rose from a snigger to a giggle to a laugh, it wasn't a perfect laugh not by a long shot but to him it was a melody very few should hear in his opinion, A sirens song but his only desire was to hear it over and over again.

So Braydyn was in Love with her laugh But Not Her

Braydyn Pasternack was NOT in love with Sunshine Anders

He just enjoyed looking in her eyes whenever he got the chance, daydreaming of the beautiful Blue/green wide orbs settled on her pretty face, he would often found himself wishing the color in her eyes was everywhere.

So Braydyn Pasternack was in Love with her Eyes But Not Her

Braydyn Pasternack was NOT in love with Sunshine Anders

But somewhere along the lines he FELL in love with her, the way she stayed no matter how infuriating he was, the way she smiled and laughed along with him, the way he could always count on her for a hug a kiss and a comforting word, the way she calmed him down.

So Braydyn Pasternack was in love with Her

Braydyn Pasternack was and will always be in love with Sunshine Anders but sometimes to not mentally and emotionally destroy someone for the rest of their life you have to break their heart....... 

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