BRIAR/ADA (Bruce/Adam)

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NAME: Briar Pasternack

AGE: 16 (SMP) 20 (SMOOT)




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Loves Dressing up

Hates Ada (btw thats pronounced Ay-Dah)

Loves jewellery 

Blasts Melanie Martinez all day long

When she was Ada she'd heard exactly one Taylor Swift song and it was a hummed version of the chorus to Stay Stay Stay hummed by Celia

As soon as she was moved into the Pasternack house Brynleigh introduced her to taytays' music it's safe to say she loves it

Wants to dye her hair but so far has only bleached it

After loosing her memory she befriended Cam he was very shocked when she was more of a sugary sweet nervous follower

She has an adorable Giggle 

Loves fashion and dressing up

follows Celia around like a lost puppy

has snuggled many people

Called Josie 'Mum' for the first time and started sobbing out of fear of being judged by her, Josie also started sobbing cause it was the first time Briar had done this. Brynleigh came home from oboe to see her mum and older sister on the kitchen floor hugging and sobbing like absolute messes 

Her favorite color is baby blue and it always has been 

Even as Briar she doesn't regret throwing Dr Whittier through the wall and she feels horribly guilty

Celia is her 911/000

Calls Celia her bestie

Likes Gymnastics

Loves Makeup/Makeovers

A very lovelyperson

Adorable and sweet as sugar cane

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