SONGS (Cyleigh, Brayshine, Bryleni)

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Cause I hit writers block so YEAHHHHHHHHHH  

CYLEIGH (Cyrus x Brynleigh)

Brynleigh - Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince - Taylor Swift

Brynleigh is Miss  Americana. Cyrus is sadly an accidental Heartbreak Prince.

But I always headcannon that Brynleigh feels as if because Cyrus fell out of love with Casey and in love with her he could do it again obvi he wouldn't/couldn't he worships her cause she's a goddess but she still feels like he could, but at any rate she adores their relationship and sees it as this song. I stand by it. 

Cyrus - Wanna be Yours - Arctic Monkeys

Cyrus is oblivious.

So he didn't instantly know he had fallen for her, but when he did OH BOY he fell hard or to quote the song he just wanna be hers (not a perfect quote but whatever) My dude will forever be hers no matter what happens, he will always wanna be hers whether it's as her boyfriend or friend (or toy but thats part of a different story) 

Cyleigh Theme - Until I Found You - Stephen Sanchez ft Em Beihold

Cause like 'How Could We Ever Just Be Friends?' they tried and failed miserably, and 'I was Lost within the darkness but then I found you' AFTER THE CATACOMBS IN THE ROOM THE SNUGGLE - oops sorry the trip, (respect Birdie for calling them out)

Cause like 'How Could We Ever Just Be Friends?' they tried and failed miserably, and 'I was Lost within the darkness but then I found you' AFTER THE CATACOMBS IN THE ROOM THE SNUGGLE - oops sorry the trip, (respect Birdie for calling them out)

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BRAYSHINE (Braydyn x Sunshine)

Braydyn - Stay Stay Stay - Taylor Swift

Braydyn gets mad like everyone else and when he gets mad well he doesn't get violent or any abuse like that but he does yell, and Sunny yells straight back, but after every fight Sunny has stayed by his side never wavering she stayed and that was the greatest thing she could do for him.

Sunshine 'Sunny' - Cloud 9 - Beach Bunny

Sunny has never felt pretty, Braydyn makes her feel gorgeous
Sunny has never felt good enough, Braydyn makes her feel like she's worth the world
Sunny is suicidal, Braydyn makes her feel Alive
Sunny is on Cloud Nine when with Braydyn, Braydyn is on Cloud Nine with Sunny
Sunny Loves Braydyn, Braydyn Loves Sunny.

Brayshine Theme - King Of My Heart - Taylor Swift

Ok so yes this could've been Sunny's song but anyway he really is the king of her heart, she loves him more then she's ever loved anyone and he loves and respects her and he will forever and ever

Ok so yes this could've been Sunny's song but anyway he really is the king of her heart, she loves him more then she's ever loved anyone and he loves and respects her and he will forever and ever

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BRYLENI (Bryce x Eleni)

Bryce - Golden Hour - JVKE

To Bryce there is no one prettier then Eleni, every moment he spends with her is a magical moment he locks up in his brain and replays it every night, She is his (if you will) Golden Hour and he loves every second he spends with her, whether they're Snuggling, fighting or kissing he just adores being with her.

Eleni - Style- Taylor Swift

Eleni is a girl who knows when a boy is hot or well liked or (in this case) Both, Eleni knows that Bryce is hot or has 'Style' but this is something she loves about him how he is this tussled Play boy genius who has no time for romance and she is this straight laced goody goody who loves romcoms so it works (also the fact it's by Taylor Swift helps her pick)

Bryleni Theme Issues - Julia Michaels 

Neither Bryce nor Eleni are without flaws, Neither are perfect, they've both got issues and well they still love each other more then anything after finding out about these issues, They aren't proud of them but they don't believe in hiding them away, these two embrace each others flaws and love them no matter what.

Neither Bryce nor Eleni are without flaws, Neither are perfect, they've both got issues and well they still love each other more then anything after finding out about these issues, They aren't proud of them but they don't believe in hiding them aw...

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