Chapter 6: Burden of Leadership

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3rd POV

It's been already a day since the teams has been formed from the initiation. There are lots of teams and students with big potential have entered and became students of Beacon academy, and today is their very first day in Beacon. 

We see the newly formed Team NMSS in their new but messy dorm, they were sleeping in peace and resting for the meantime before their classes starts. We see the siblings in their respective beds and their fellow members sleeping at that. Carl being sprawled out all over the bed, Lena with her messy hair and messy bed sheets all over, Lanza in a calm but sleepy position, and finally Ash sleeping, and needing it considering of his time as a vigilante. He needs this recovery while at it. 

Just when the alarm clock of theirs hits 5:30 AM, it blared out loudly and causing the team members to be awaken by it. The Shadeheart siblings are the first to react, groaning groggily due to their sleepy state. 

Lena: "God the alarm clock...!" She groggily stated and tries to sit up despite her state. She's not the type of morning person. 

Lanza got awakened by the alarm clock, groggy but annoyed by it. He suddenly rises from his bed and SLAMS the poor alarm clock without mercy. He too can agree with the younger Shadeheart. 

Carl: "You know

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Carl: "You know...I don't care if they don't give us replacements on clocks..." He trailed off, yawning as he rises from his bed this time. "What time is it...?"

Lena: "5 in the morning, we are early I suppose." She muttered, yawning as she lowers down her scroll after looking at the time they woke up. 

Farros: "Rise and Shine everybody! Today is the first day! Hope you have good sleep from yesterday!" Their AI companion greeted them, as the lights around the room and the appliances has been turned on, courtesy of their AI. 

You see, since they are one of the newly best teams have seen so far, their dorm is somewhat bigger and has more perks. Their dorm has their personal workshop for their upgrades of weapons, they have their own personalized kitchen, supplies and bathroom too. They have earned it, and it's worth it too. 

Farros: "Up up sir Fall! Rise and shine!" The AI waked up the vigilante in disguise by turning the lights on, as the said man groggily groaned and wakes up this time. 

Ash: "All right all right I'm up..." He groaned, now rising up from his bed like a damn undead from the horror movies, noticing his fellow teammates awake too. "Morning..." 

Carl: "Morning guys...Welp this is our first day and we got to prepare..." He stated, rubbing his eyes after some good sleep. 

Lena: "What's the time of our first class?" She questioned, grabbing some rubber band to tie her long hair at that. 

Lanza: "9 in the morning..." He replied to the younger Shadeheart's question, ruffling his hair after the sleep. 

Ash: "We can have time putting our stuff up before classes...Though I can sleep for extra 5 minutes." He replied, still yawning as he hops off from his bed this time. 

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