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-kaia's pov-


my eyes flutter open and i squint at the light coming in through the big hotel window.

i turn over to be faced with a sleeping billie, her hair messy, eyes puffy from crying last night. she's just so beautiful tho..

i tucked the fallen hairs covering her eye behind her ear. i start to slip out of bed but before i can make my way to the door i hear billie groan.

"mama.. where you going, i was warm." she pouts in her sleepy voice. so fucking adorable.

"i'll be back baby, just going to the bathroom." i smile and open the door. i use the bathroom, brush my teeth and head out to the living room where kiara lays in the same spot i left her, bringing back all the memories of what happened last night.

i fucked up..

she never left her spot.. never changed her clothes. and from the looks of the old mascara on her face and slightly puffy eyes, i could tell she'd been crying. all because i didn't know how to deal with the fact my fucking girlfriend cheated.

i didn't have to use her tho.

i get a bottle of water from the fridge before walking over to the living room and turning off the tv which she'd also left running all night.

i go back in the room, realizing what a mess billie and i had made the night before. i pick up the clothes we had thrown on the floor, the shit i threw on the floor out of anger when i initially came home and i put everything nicely in its place before slipping back into bed.

i look at billie and immediately know she's fake sleeping just for my cuddles. "baby, if you wanna lay on me just do that but don't fake sleep." i chuckle and she smiles, opening her eyes and leaning her head on my chest.

i hold her in silence until she gets up to go use the bathroom. in doing so, she runs into kiara. i watch the interaction from the bed being that billie left the door open.

kiara gives an awkward face and waves quickly before stepping back and letting billie go into the bathroom. she looks into the room at me and i see the pain in her eyes before she turns around going into her room for the first time.

i can't let her stay hurt alone.

i get out of bed and walk into her room where she's laying in bed on her phone. "ki.." i say softly while making my way to her bed.

she turns around and eventually turns her body as i sit down on her bed.

"i'm sorry." i say, looking down and tracing the design on her blanket.

she just gives me a sad look in response. "i know, i fucked up. i was vulnerable and hurt and that's no excuse for what i did but.. for what it's worth, i'm really sorry." i apologize, tears stinging my eyes.

"its okay. i know you were hurt and i took advantage of that. i don't know why it hurt so much but.. shit happens. i'm over it, honestly." she says, giving me a sad smile.

i rest my hand on hers, smiling softly. "lunch today?" i ask and she nods.

"sounds good. also, it's gonna take me awhile to be good with billie again. i know you're good with her or at least it seems like you are but uhh.. i can't just excuse what she did. you're my best friend and she hurt you. she has to earn my trust again." she says, sitting up.

"i get that. and i mean, maybe that's something you should communicate to her. clearly, i'm just fucking stupid enough to keep going back so my actions won't ever show her that she needs to do better. maybe she needs an outside perspective to tell her that." i tell her.

its true. i don't think i could ever leave billie alone and the fact that i keep going back is enabling her bullshit behavior. but maybe if kiara says something it'll show her that someone else sees her behavior and it's not okay.

"you're right. maybe that is a conversation her and i need to have, without you." she agrees.

"of course. a think a good heart to heart would do some justice in terms of her relationship with me and with you." i say.

"i completely agree." she smiles. "now go get dressed cause i'm hungry." she nudges me.

i laugh and go into my room, sliding off my pajamas.

"gyat damn." i hear billie whisper behind me. i turn around and roll my eyes.

"not too much, eilish. you won't be getting this ass for awhile." i say and she whines.

"but kaiaaaaa" she groans.

"don'ttttttt care." i smile before opening my closet and picking out clothes.

i get dressed and do my makeup before kissing billie on the forehead.

"be back in a few, getting lunch with kiara." i say, grabbing my phone.

"oh." she says dryly.

"yes?" i raise an eyebrow.

"nothing." she shrugs and i can tell something's wrong.

"billie, what happened last night meant nothing. i was hurt and shit just happened. let's not act like you didn't do the same except i ain't done shit to you. now i'll be back later." i argue before leaving the room.

"let's go ki." i call out, knocking on her door.

she opens her door and geeks over my outfit per usual before we leave.

i know billie's mad but she'll be just fine. at the end of the day, kiara is my best friend and manager. and what happened last night will never happen again.

billie fucked me over twice. granted, i stood like an idiot but she has to accept the fact that kiara isn't going anywhere.


do y'all think kaia is odd or wrong in any way for all of this or..?

anyway, sorry i took so long to update i'm gonna try and be on top of this book a little more.. love yous.

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