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-kaia's pov-


finally, i'm home and discussing moving plans with kiara.

"i was thinking since they wanna have you booked for a shoot on july 15th for calvin klein, we leave on the 12th, give you some time to settle and get used to time zones?" she suggests.

"sounds good! but um- where am i supposed to be sleeping?" i question with a small laugh. "oh, shit, yeah. forgot to tell you that the second you told me you were going i signed you up for a lease at an apartment building in LA. super affordable but still really big and so goddamn pretty." she says with dreamy eyes as she thinks about my future apartment.

"two bathrooms, two bedrooms and a lounge space to die for, k, i kid you not its so beautiful let me show you." she says, eagerly pulling out her phone.

she shows me pictures of the apartment and my jaw drops.

its so beautiful but it all just feels so fucking weird.. that's where i'm gonna live?? i'm moving?? leaving new york forever?? wow.

"i love it!" i exclaim, smiling.

all in all, i'm extremely happy to be doing this. it'll take some getting used to and maybe a little homesickness but, this is what i've been waiting for all my life.. i'm proud of myself.

"i'm glad. now remember, its the 8th.. you have 4 days to pack and prepare. we're gone at 9am on the 12th." she states and i nod my head. "i'll start asap." i say.


its 6am and although i had 4 days to pack.. my brain made me do it all in one shot. i feel really accomplished but also really fucking tired.

i plop down on my bed, releasing a heavy sigh. i reach to my side to grab one of my squishmallows but quickly remember all my babies are packed away.

just as i finally close my eyes, i get a call from kiara.

"mm, what." i groan. "so um, change of plans.. you have an offer to walk a runway for victoria's secret on the 11th. we're flying out on the 10th now. you need to get a move on with the packing." she tells me and i laugh.

"i juuuuust finished packing. i'm so tired. something was telling me to do it all right now mad i guess that makes sense now." i sigh.

"oh, well that's good. rest up. sleep all day if you want. actually, don't, i'll be bored. i'm coming over for lunch at 1." she rants and i snap my eyes open as my phone falls out of my hand, scaring me awake.

"mm, yeah, okay. see you later." i mumble. "oh bitch, go to sleep." she laughs and i let out another 'mm' in agreement as i hang up the phone and let myself fall asleep.


"AWAKEN. ARISE." i hear a voice in my ear as my bed shakes. i open my eyes to see a way too energetic kiara jumping on my bed, shouting.

"i regret ever giving you that damn key." i say, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. she stops her jumping and stays on her knees, facing me. "what time is it?" i ask.

"it issss.... 1:48 in the afternoon." kiara says in a weird voice as she checks the time on her phone. "you're too happy its way too early." i groan.

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