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-kaia's pov-


i palm my face as i honk my horn for what seems like the millionth time. i just wanna get home, honestly. i've been on the road for work all damn week and now the traffic wants to last hours?!?! fucking assholes, just drive.

i miss my bed, it's been a whole week since i laid in it.

i lean my head against my steering wheel, turning up the volume on my radio.

"isn't it lovely?
all alone
heart made of glass, my mind of stone
tear me to pieces
skin and bone
hello, welcome home"

glad to know whoever that girl's singing about made it home.


after an hour, i've finally moved up a bit in traffic. still not enough to satisfy me. i start looking out my window, looking for entertainment, fascination, anything. instead, a bright blue and red light up sign catches my eye.

there's a hotel right around this corner?? i might have to crash.

about fifteen minutes later, i made it to the corner where the hotel's parking lot is and i find a parking space shockingly quick. i hop out my car and grab my suitcase from the trunk, making sure to lock my car before entering the hotel.

i walk up to the front desk and book an overnight room.

"here's your key ma'am. but before you go.. kaia miller sounds awfully familiar. where are you from?" the clerk asks. "you've probably seen me on billboards. i'm a model." i say, trying to force some enthusiasm into my voice.

i'm tired as it is and everywhere i go i get the same question. i don't even wanna talk right now.

"yes! i do remember seeing you on those billboards around 42nd street.. you're really beautiful by the way." he says and i smile in return. "thank you so much, have a great night." i force a smile at him before grabbing my suitcase and walking to the elevator.

i walk in and sigh, setting my bag down before pressing 9 and leaning against the wall. this elevator is moving so slow and i'm so god awfully tired.

i exit the elevator and am met with the sound of shouting. just what i need after a day like today. people arguing in my hallway.

"who the fuck do you think you are??" the voice yells from down the hall.

921.. 921... where the hell??

"excuse me, ma'am, where's 921?" i ask one of the housekeeper women. "oh that would be that way, love." she replies, pointing in the direction of the yelling voice.

wonderful now i have to be even closer to the fucking chaos.

the voice only gets louder as i walk closer and closer, nearing my door.

"i swear to god, aaliyah, if you fucking leave." the voice gets lower, huskier. i laugh to myself. poor aaliyah man.

i hear a small, practically inaudible voice before i hear a door slam.

i turn the corner and am met with the sight of a wall breaking, a fist following it in front of my face. i jump back, covering my face.

"AALIYAH GET THE FUCK BACK." the voice screams. "actually, fine. leave. i didn't fucking want you anyway." the voice calms, walking away from me.

i uncover my face, looking around to check if my surroundings are safe. wouldn't wanna get in the way of poor aaliyah and her scary partner.

i open my eyes to see a small girl standing there, her green and black hair sprawled onto her shoulders followed by a black baggy shirt, black baggy jeans, and chunky ass shoes.

that's the little bitch making all this noise???

i walk slowly, scanning the walls for my room number. i find the number but little miss anger issues is standing in front of it.

"um- excuse me? you're uhh- you're standing in front of my door.." i say quietly, not wanting to disrupt her too much. she turns around, her eyes meeting perfectly with mine. they're so vibrant.. so blue. anyone could fall for those eyes in an instant.

we hold eye contact for a minute until she breaks it, scanning my body and keeping her eyes stuck on my hips which are accompanied by my green cargos sitting on either side.

"hello..?" i break the silence, just needing to lay down. as much as i'd love to melt into her oh so sexy eyes all day and all night, i love sleep more. sorry not sorry.

"oh- right um.. sorry. and sorry if you heard all that.." she said, softly. "oh, i did more than hear. you almost punched me right along with that damn wall." i said kinda dryly, just wanting to get inside my damn room already. it hasn't even been five minutes here and i'm sick of all of it.

"oh my.. i'm so so sorry, it was just complications but i guess they're uh.. they're gone now to say the least." she chuckled. "yup. guess so." i sighed.

"i'm uh.. i'm billie." she introduces. why does she stutter so much?? giving y/n.

"i'm kaia." i say, more aggressive than i intended. "sorry for the aggression. long day. can i please just get to my room?" i plead. at this point i'm desperate for sleep.

"yeah.." she trails off, staring at my body once again. i snap in front of her face. "eyes up here, love." i smirk.

"mmm, right." she mumbles, finally stepping out the way of the door. i use my key to open it but before i can walk in she grabs my wrist, making me meet those magical blue eyes once again.

"can i um- get your number?" she asks. i step up, closer to her face, almost kissing her. i further study her features as her eyes dart down to my lips and she licks her own. she has so many chains on, rings on every finger, pretty plump lips and a perfect little nose.

i move my mouth to her ear.

"just because you threw your other little toy out doesn't mean i'll allow you to do that to me." i say lowly before leaving a soft kiss on her ear, causing her breath to hitch.

i back away and turn around into my room, shutting the door and leaving her stunned.

that girl is bad news and i'll be damned if i get caught up in those ocean eyes and let them bully me.


FIRST CHAPTER WOOOOOOO how yall feeling????

words: 1083.

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