Chapter 11

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They had been sat on a window table right next to the bathroom. It was the table away from the others. It was fine, there was no bathroom smell bothering them so they didn't complain about being seated away every time, at the end it's nice to have some privacy.

Morticia was staring out the window, not listening to the others, as she saw her. She was laughing, her smile making her seem even more magnificent as she already looked. She twirled around in her forest green dress, her hair flowing freely around her. She bowed down to her friends, talking with excitement, exposing more of her cleavage. Morticia's cheeks were red as cursed apples, but she couldn't get herself to look away. Her friend nodded to the café and Larissa shrugged her shoulders but agreed. Morticia froze and stared into her coffee, but the blackness just reflected her face back at her, not making the situation any better.

The door opened, automatically she looked up, locking eyes with Larissa. Larissa froze, her hand still holding the door. It felt like time had frozen as they stared at each other, no sounds, not even her own heartbeat were able to reach her. It came all rushing back in a second and she jumped up and run into the bathroom, locking herself in a stall, crawling on the closed toilet seat.

"Should someone go after her?" Amber asked slightly concerned.

Edera shook her head and nodded into Larissa's direction, who was already on her way to the bath.

"Oh" Amber took a sip from her iced caramel tea.

Larissa carefully locked the door behind her "Morticia? Did I do something wrong?"

No answer.

Larissa took a deep breath "okay don't be ridiculous, do you think I'm stupid-"


"why then did you ask me to watch a lesbian movie? We never really do anything together, you always try and avoid me and then you come with this... movie"

"it- it's not like that"

"not like what?" Larissa is hot and cold, what if she did interpret everything wrong???

Morticia comes out her stall, wanting to get out the bathroom, just wanting to run away again.

Larissa, now angry, feeling like she got played with, pushed Morticia back into the nearest stall, looking the door without letting go of roommate, placing her on the seat. "I'm not your little toy," she towered over her, one hand on the wall, the other pressing Morticia against the tiles. "It may be funny to you, but some things go to far. It's not okay for you to touch me, just because I like you."

Larissa was just centimetres away from Morticia, who stared at the storm clouded eyes, every bit of air being sucked out of her lungs, before she kissed her. She had to press her lips against hers or she would suffocate.

Larissa made weak by what she had always wanted, fell on her knees, graving every bit of it, like a deserted plant. She pushed her away, needing distance, her back against the door, her feelings crushing down on her, the floor suddenly unbearable cold "no" her eyes watered "you don't mean it, this is just fun for you. You could never like me, not like that."

"But I do!" How could she not understand that she had had these feelings for her all along, even though she herself might not have understood them herself, as she had never felt anything like that.

Morticia's eyes were full of tears as she stood up shaking, slowly gliding down on her knees, her eyes locked with Larissa's "I do." She crawled towards her, sitting down on her lap all so carefully, not wanting to scare away the god like woman, fearing she could disappear if she moved too fast. She carefully laid her hand upon her cheek "I know more about my feelings towards you, than I know about anything else... I'm sorry it took me the time I needed for me to realise what it was that always pulled my gaze towards you, that wanted me to do nothing else but to cherish you... not knowing if you would ever have any feelings for me made me feel like a creep and I didn't want to make you uncomfortable in any form or way. I'm sorry if I ever did though."

Larissa let go of her breath, all the weight falling from her as she embraced Morticia in a swarm of soft kisses.

A/N: *feels satisfied* finally we are here! God I was so excited for this part.

Roommates / Morissa fanfic Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora