Chapter 4

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It was only later that day when it started to rain. In cascaded the drops were trembling onto the grounds like thundering fairies, moulding the earth to a muddy mess. The sports teacher had left the students standing in the hallway, after lurking out into the flooding rain, glaring at the gymnasium and back at the kids, not actually considering to send them there just because they didn't want to walk their themselve.

Movement was audible up on the steps of the big staircase and just a second later, the fencing teacher came in sight. "Let's not waste anymore time! Xian and I decided to change days this week so let's go, come, come, come we don't want to waste anymore time!"

The fencing teacher was already in uniform, hushing the students to her hall, like she always did. Ms Leroy clapped her hands energetically, "we have already lost quite some time so I just gonna pair you up!" She walked through the room past them pointing at random people she thought were somewhat on the same level.

"Yulu, Ron please pair, Dianna and Taylor, Morticia and Larissa-" Morticia glanced over to Larissa who locked gaze with her.

She walked to her, her cheeks were getting warm again, but why? She felt dumb for not being able to figure out what it was about her roommate that made her feel dizzy and warm.

"Is everything okay?" Larissa sounded concerned, talking to morticia on eye level.

"Of course" Morticia stiffened her posture and walked off to a train area "will you come now?" She said in more harsh tone than intended.

She took a deep breath and got in starting position. Larissa looked irritated as she followed her.

They started fencing. Larissa's fencing sword clinging against Morticia's as she searched for eye contact for better balance as she went further landing another strike and another, there faces where suddenly close, Morticia's serious dark brown eyes now met Larissa's, not having any other options. Larissa eyes dropped to Morticia's lips, both faces lighting up red as Morticia finally took the lead, pushing Larissa back till she was pressed against the wall.

They were standing still, Larissa's breath brushing against Morticia's lips as she was looking down on her a sudden smile appearing on her face and she freed herself pushing Morticia's sword back, striking again and again pushing her back to the mat, back to what was their actual fencing space.

Morticia was focused on catching Larissa's every lash not paying attention to where she was going as she fell over the mat's edge landing on her back. Larissa perplexed by Morticia's sudden fall, stumbled, falling right onto her. Their faces right above earth other eyeing the opposite in shock.

"I'm so sorry" Larissa breathed after a short moment, still out of breath.

"No, it's not your fault" Morticia respond, lifting a hand to touch Larissa's face but stopping right before it.

She could feel the heat that was radiating from her cheeks. She wanted to touch her so bad 'urgh how stupid am I?!' Morticia thought before freezing, realising Larissa had been staring into her eyes the whole time while she had looked back, into the blue waves that were reflecting the light, making it seem like there where golden crowns atop each. Suddenly the heat that had just been comforting became overwhelming and the hand that just had wanted to touch her skin pushed back against Larissa's shoulder, freeing herself in an instant.

"I need to go to the bathroom" she said and run out of the room, leaving Larissa sitting on the floor, staring after her even though she was already out of sight.
She stood up not sure if she should follow her as Ms Leroy called her name.

"Larissa! I haven't tested you in a long time, let's have a match."

A/N: apparently there are still people wanting to read this so here we go
Btw I do not know how to fence (my condolences to everyone who can and just read this)

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