Chapter 2

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The students had arrived on a Saturday giving them time to breath before their school days start. Nor Morticia or Larissa had wanted to go out in the evening and ended both on their beds, morticia reading and Larissa knitting a top. She gazed over to Morticia from time to time trying to read what was written on the cover. Was it 'wake the wicked'? Larissa wasn't sure. A smile was dancing over Morticia's lips, her eyes chained to every word, the light of her lamp reflecting in their deep brown. From this distance they could even been called black. Morticia's fingers carefully caressing page by page while turning them over. Larissa shook her head, her brain still completely clouded as she tried to concentrate back on her knitting. She was just starring at her needles, thoughtless.

"What are you doing?" A voice came from the other end of the room.

Larissa could feel her cheeks getting red "knitting" she answered, already noticing how stupid of an answer it was.

Morticia laughed "I know silly, but what are you knitting?" She was sitting on her bed, the book on the bedside table.

"It's- it's going to be a top" Larissa lift it up hiding her face.

"Is green your favourite colour?" Morticia had started opening her pigtails, her dark hair wavy from being braided moved and glistened like water.

She was still looking at Larissa, who's eyes were portraying some sort of panic "it's sage green." Larissa looked down, praying Morticia hadn't noticed how burning red her face was.

She started knitting again, her hands still trembling. Morticia smiled 'what is it about me that makes her panic?' "You're cute."

Larissa dropped the stitch she had been at and sat there frozen, while Morticia was walking to their bathroom.


Sunday morning. Larissa had decided she had to get out or she might die of embarrassment. She packed a bag in haste, making her come back twice till she actually had everything. Having a hand pressed against her cheek to help it cool out, while searching for the bee garden, her face unfortunately stayed the red it had as she had left her room. As Larissa had been getting ready to go out, Morticia had dressed herself on her bed while starring at her, no really making the situation easier.

"You look a bit ill" Morticia had stated and Larissa could feel the heat burn even more.

She was walking over a small field, closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "calm down Larissa Weems she's just young roommate" she whispered to herself.

She opened her eyes after a few steps and as she got around the bushes she could already see Daniela. But Daniela wasn't alone a girl nearly as tall as Larissa herself, with straight red hair, guessing by her beauty she must either be a vampire or a siren.

"Oh hey Larissa! There you are" Daniela smiled.

"who is she?" Larissa asked.

"My girlfriend" the bee girls smile widened even more but faded quickly as she realised what she said "sorry I hope you are okay with gay people."

Larissa's face brightened even more if that was still possible.

"Are you okay? You don't look well? Have been crying?" Daniela asked concerned.

"I'm fine and I'm obviously fine with gay people, but I hate my roommate" Larissa sat down in the grass and buried her face.

"What?- Why?"

"Look what she's doing to me" Larissa laid down dramatically.

Daniela burst out laughing, falling in the grass next to her

"oh my dear lesbian, you have a crush on her."

Larissa covered her face with her hands and groaned "I hate it, I'm the worst ever in having a crush. I hate having to see her every damn day. I just hate it, hate it, hate it!"

Daniela was still giggling beside her.

"It's not funny. I need help."

"I think you should just focus on what you like about her and have fun with it and maybe, just maybe she likes you back."

A/N: sorry for the long wait and for the quite short update :')

Roommates / Morissa fanfic Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora