Chapter 2: The Creative family

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       It has been two days since the musicians started preparing for a special event. Queen Sunni has arranged a party for her only child, the prince of Eziled, whom she adopted after her husband's death. The prince is known for his good looks and prefers wearing white and light blue clothing. The young musicians are rehearsing a new song of praise. Vanessa seems to be struggling today, either making mistakes or singing off-key. Alex appeared furious after noticing that one of his team members had messed up for the 10th time. He commanded, "Stop! everyone to take a break and leave the practice room." Vanessa, who noticed his anger, felt sad and remained in the room. Alex approached her and asked why she had not been able to remember the lyrics despite his repeated instructions to practice them. Vanessa explained that she had studied the lyrics but found them difficult to remember or pronounce.

     Alex gazed at Vanessa intently, and his keen observation picked up on the telltale signs of tears welling up in her eyes. As his gaze met Vanessa's, his heart sank. Her eyes were brimming with tears, and he knew he had to act fast to comfort her. Seeing her sad face, Vanessa couldn't hold back her tears and started crying out of frustration, " I am sorry Alex...I didn't mean to get you angry." Alex wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to offer comfort. With a soothing tone, he spoke, "Please don't blame yourself. I should have done a better job of teaching you the melody of the verses. It was my responsibility to ensure that you understood it properly." He empathized with her and made sure that she knew that it was not her fault. As soon as Vennessa stopped sobbing, she hugged Alex tightly in relief. 

     Alex's face turned red with nervousness, but he mustered up the courage to suggest that they practice the melody. Vanessa let go of him and watched as he walked towards the practice room piano, sitting down on the piano stool. Vanessa followed him and sat down next to him, their bodies almost touching. They made eye contact, and in that moment, time seemed to stand still as they both looked into each other's eyes, captivated by the intensity of the moment. "Alex, I'm so hungry right now," Venessa said with a grin. "Can we hit up that lasagna spot after practice?" Alex's face turned red, and he shifted his gaze away from her as he responded to her request, "Did you just ask me out on a date? Well, um... sure, I'd love to go out with you." 

      Kay was playing bible trivia on her new console in front of the piano when she asked the others to be quiet. Alex then began to play the piano and sang a beautiful melody to Venessa for the first time. Venessa was surprised and thought to herself that Alex sings like an angel, as she had no idea he could sing so well. After a while, the others arrived to continue practicing. Vanessa made fewer mistakes as they practiced repeatedly.

      Some time has passed since the previous events, and it is now 3:00 p.m. Everyone is occupied with their own activities. Kay and Venessa are observing the male members of the group practicing their swordsmanship in the backyard. Alex and Mikey are in the kitchen watching Enamel cook some delicious Reman, widely regarded as the best in the world. Alinana stands nervously in front of her father's door and knocks. Her father, known as the wealthiest man in the kingdom, has requested her presence. He invites her in, and she finds him drinking tea. Alinana asks nervously why he wanted to see her, and he replies that he sent Duke Marvin to call her. He asks her to take a seat, and she does so, staring nervously at her father. Despite his old age, Alinana's father, Bill Creative, seems healthy. Bill made a comment, saying, "I heard that the prince would choose his bride at tomorrow's party." 

       Alinana's countenance was overcome with a sense of deep sadness, and she turned to her father with a look of concern etched on her face. In a subdued tone, she posed her question to him, hoping for some guidance or reassurance, "Father, I am not interested in getting engaged to the prince." Bill's lips curled upwards into a wide smile as he spoke with enthusiasm, his eyes lighting up with joy, "Haha... I wasn't asking you to marry him. In fact, the prince has been constantly asking me to accept his proposal to marry you." Alinana seemed shocked and said, "You told him no, right father?" Bill's smile faded as he replied, "I am sorry dear..." Alinana gave a sad expression and then asked, "Father, why didn't you say no?" Bill responded, "If I were there, I would not have allowed it, but your mother is the one behind all this," Alinana was so shocked and said loudly, "What? Mom?"

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