22. Always disappointed.

Start from the beginning

"Hey sunshine," Maggie stood at the doorframe, a mask tightly wrapped around her face. Ella looks at her not uttering a single word. An awkward silence filled the room. "Listen, I'm sorry I didn't let you visit Glenn. But ya can't be so reckless like that, ya hear me?"

Ella nods her head, "Uh-huh. I just... really wanted to see him, that's all."

"I know, honey." Ella hated how silent her conversations were with everyone. Maybe it was because she answered quietly or only with a simple nod of the head. Or maybe it's just because of how down she's been feeling lately, for no reason too. Ella's also been a bit snappy. "Listen, I set up a time for you to talk to Glenn, Ok? No sneakin' in there no more."

Ella's eyes brightened, "Really?!" Maggie replied by nodding her head. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Of course, darlin'. I'll come get ya when it's time."

Ella nodded her head to show Maggie she acknowledged what she had just said. She was still sitting down and wondering what to do to pass time. Ella hoped it wasn't just a joke and she actually was able to talk to him.

After awhile, as Ella played with her cards, Aiden walks in. "Hey, uhm-" Ella cut him off.

"What do you want? Can't you just leave me alone?" she looked up and rolled her eyes at him.

Aiden stuttered a bit and took a step back, "N-nevermind."

Well that was weird, ella thought to herself. Why did he just come in not to say anything? Not even make fun of her. Now, Mika comes in. Jeez, Ella really must be famous.

"Hi Ella! Have you seen Carol?" she asked.

Ella responded, "No, but she went on a run with Rick. They're getting food and stuff."

"Oh, okay. Could I play with you?" Mika kneeled down, staring at the cards in her friends hand. Ella nodded her head and allowed Mika to shuffle the deck of cards.

The two girls play for awhile. They play up until Mika leaves to go visit Lizzy. Ella felt jealous, at least her sibling wanted to talk to her. Caleb just couldn't swallow his grief and comfort his sister, no offense. Ella knows it's okay for him to feel this way, but she just wished he'd talk to her. She wished everyone would just talk to her, help her feel okay.

Ella sits alone again. Silently waiting for Maggie to come in. Since playing with cards had gotten boring, she just read a few comics Carl and Evelynn had placed in there. Was Maggie even coming back? Ella didn't wanna be mad at her again, but if she doesn't come back she will be.

Finally, the door opened revealing Maggie. She came back, like she said she would. "Alright, come on el," Maggie gestured the young girl to follow her. Before they began walking, Maggie tied a bandanna sercurely onto Ella's face, making sure it doesn't fall off or anything.

The two made their way downstairs to the visiting area. The whole way there, Ella was extremely excited though the mask was annoying her a lot. She felt like having it on gave her some trouble breathing.

When they walk in, Ella's smile dropped. It wasn't Glenn who was there, it was Hershel. Ella looked up at Maggie.

"You lied to me?" a line appeared in between Ella's brows.

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