Chapter Seventeen: Its Complicated

Start from the beginning

I felt his presence as he sat across from me, seemingly less angry. Though I tried to pay him no attention. like he wasn't even there. Until he softly put a hand on the side of one of my knees and spoke, "Cambina... Faith, it's complicated."

"So complicated that all the guys know and I don't?"

"Yes, I don't want you involved. Trust me, I'm protecting you."

"Protecting me from what?"

"There are things in this world, that you shouldn't know. Bad things. Involving even worse people that could hurt you."

"You'd be surprised with what I know." He chuckled.

"I'm sure I would, but it doesn't matter, you can't know this... no matter how much I want to tell you."

"Why not?" I barked, snapping my head to look at him. He was looking off into his window peacefully.

"Because you wouldn't think of me the same." He looked down before looking at me, then silently got up and left the room.

Why does he care what I think anyway? I huffed around the room practically pulling my hair out.

It's already past midnight. If I want to even be remotely ready for school tomorrow, I need to get some sleep.



Glancing out the living room window, I can see Kaden's convertible parked in my driveway. Guess it's time for school.

"See you at school!" Yelling out to Christian who's eating in the kitchen, I grab my backpack and what's left of my apple, then head out to Kaden's car.

The ride to school was silent.

Uncomfortably so. Though, I guess that was to be expected after last nights events. The only sounds were the radio and the whipping of the wind through my hair.

Once we pulled into school, I could see all eyes on us. Right... I forgot that the only people that knew about us, were those who were in summer school P.E. Great.

I've never been a fan of attention. That's why I hate school presentations. I get so nervous with all eyes on me that anxiety starts to kick in. My knees begin to tremble and I start to feel nauseous. Overall, it's not a very pleasant feeling. Another reason not to let my parents death hit the tabloids...

Apparently Kaden hadn't noticed my frightened appearance because he was already pulling out his things and stepping out of the car. He waited against the hood of his car while I slowly did the same.

Here we go.

When I stood next to Kaden, he enveloped my hand in his and began leading me into the school. He's never held my hand before. So why now?

I was thinking to myself when I felt something beside my ear, before Kaden started to whisper through my hair.

"Stop thinking so much Cambina. Chill out." I gave him a light nod as he squeezed my hand slightly.

My nickname. Cambina. I actually kind of like it now. Though I still don't know what it means, it just sounds natural now. Like its a second name. The guys are just as used to it as I am.

We had made it all the way to my locker without me paying attention to all the stares we were getting. For some reason, having Kaden by my side was reassuring. He leaned heavily against the locker next to mine as I gathered my materials.

"So Cambina, what's your schedule?"

"English, AP Psych, American History, French three, Math Analysis, free period, then health, and musical studies,"

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