"No. If you send me back to Earth, I guarentee the pain of losing you will be much worse than this. Now that I've met you and felt the bond we share, I can't just forget about it and carry on. The feelings I have for you are on another level. Sending me back to Earth would be like sending me back to the gladarians. Don't you want to at least try and figure this out?"

I held my breath, praying for him to come up with a solution to our problem.

"I don't think there's anything that we can do. The limited information we have on human, zaviour mating is virtually nonexistent. I don't want you to leave but for your safety, I have no choice."

"You do have a choice. We can figure this out together." I could hear the desperation in my voice and the look in Kai's eyes told me that he was just as broken as I was.

"I.. I can't guarentee anything but I'll speak to Hilz and Danik. Maybe they know of a way to dull my urges."

Relief washed over me and I felt like I could breathe. I'm not going back to Earth! At least, not yet anyway.

I smiled, wiping away my tears with the back of my hand. "Thank you."

"Now, can you please get in this thing so I have one less thing to worry about?"

I chuckled, nodding as I sniffed.

"Do you need any help?"

I thought about it for a moment, and as much as I wanted to be close to Kai, I didn't want him to have to fight harder to not rip my clothes off.

"No, I can manage."

Kai stepped back and I positioned myself over the edge of the bed. I had to hold my breath when a pain shot through me, the pain reliever had worn off. Great timing.

I counted down in my head slowly. Three. Two. One. Jumping down, I failed the landing, crying out in agony as my body hit the floor.


Kai rushed over to me, panic etched on his face. He tried to lift me up but the pain was unbearable. It felt like something inside my leg had twisted and I cried out in pain again.

"I need to get you into the healing pod. Once your there, the pain will go away."

I clenched my jaw, nodding frantically. "Ok, ok. Just do it fast."

Kai wrapped his arm around my waist, the other gently slid under my knees and I squeezed my eyes closed as he lifted me up.

I let out a groan, trying desperately not to cry and before I knew it, I was sitting in the healing pod.

A clear dome came up over me, sealing me inside.

A warm steam sprayed from little nozzles that were scattered around the pod, coating me with tiny droplets of whatever this stuff was. After a few seconds of sitting here, the agonising pain evaporated into nothing.

I let out a sigh of relief, turning around so that I could see Kai.

He was knelt down, watching me intently and his face softened when I smiled sweetly at him.

Sitting up straight, I pulled my dress up so that I could see my thigh. The bruising was vanishing before my eyes and I watched in fascination until it was completely gone.

"Is that it? Am I healed?"

"You're healed." Kai sat back, dropping his shoulders and I felt his distress lessen.

He pulled the dome back off the pod and I stood to my feet, lifting my foot in the air to test how well the pod worked.

I raised my brows, impressed with the technology that the zaviours had.

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