Constipated Walks and Broken bats

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 As if people weren't staring at me enough for being kicked out of my own home, the stomach pain had to make it worst. Walking through East Bridge High's hallways, waddling like I was constipated was earning me many strange glances.

     "Why are you walking like that? You're embarrassing me," Andrews complained. If I was so embarrassing, he could just leave. I hadn't asked him to walk me to class.

     "My stomach hurts," I returned. "And if you really want to talk about embarrassing, one; batman underwear, and two; I eat lunch with you every day."

     Mouth agape, Andrews looked offend, and a tad bit confused.

     "What's wrong with your stomach?"

     Damn, he evaded the subject change. He was getting used to my tricks, I've had him around for too long.


     "But your period was last week."

     Why had he mesmerized my menstrual cycle? "How, and why do you know that?"

    "I can kind of just tell, by your mood. And I like to know when to expect an extra cranky Clara."

    "You need to pay less attention to my life. Your behaviour is getting stalkerish," I barely had time to finish my sentence.

    "Is it from falling last night? If it's still hurting—"

    "Please shut up. I may be mother-less at the moment, but I definitely don't need you as replacement. I can take care of myself."

     Bell about to ring, he didn't have time to answer. He had less than thirty seconds to get to class, so he settled for sticking his tongue out at me and running off to the class he'd most likely be late to. I've never understood why he's done that. We spend all our free time together. Why did he feel the need to walk me to every single class? It used to make me angry, I felt like he didn't trust me to not get in trouble without him. But after a couple years you get used to Andrews' shit. He was like toe fungus; unpleasant at times, but he grew on you.

     Speaking of stupid things Andrews has done, he decided to text me ten minutes before the last bell, that he had a dentist appointment, and therefore couldn't drive me home. I had ten minutes to find a ride or walk forty minutes. Last minute, my only option was Jason Bradford. A.K.A captain of the football team, man of my nightmares, and my ex-boyfriend. If you could even call him that, we dated for barely three weeks, two weeks of which I spent avoiding him. I don't know why I wanted a boyfriend so badly, nor why I had chosen him. I was still extremely embarrassed that I had gone through that stage, the stage of believing having a boyfriend was a necessity. I grew out of that stage pretty damn quick, but still it had happened and as much as I tried, I couldn't forget it. The tickling fuzz over his lip that he used to call a moustache still made me shiver with discomfort. You would think at seventeen years old; I'd be out of the boys are gross phase.

     We hadn't talked in a year, and I was certain the only reason Jason agreed to bring me home was out of pity. Maybe a little bit of fear too. I was still being avoided like the plague through the school halls.

     "You're living with the Andrews?" he asked, wide eyed, after I gave him directions. Of course, he knew where they lived, Colton was probably his idol. I was surprised he hadn't already heard the rumors; most of everyone at school was talking about it.

    I shrugged. "I assume you heard about my mother kicking me out. The Andrews made the most sense."

     He nodded. "Makes sense, but I didn't know you guys were that serious." Serious? About what? I knew Jason was on drugs, but I wouldn't have expected him to drive high.

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