I start walking towards the camp before spotting Daryl on the roof of the barn trying to fix it up. "Oi, Dolly Parton lover." I shout up to him. He stops hammering a plank of wood before looking down to me.

"What?" He grunts back at me.

"You need me to bring your stuff inside." I offer him. He surely couldn't have moved his stuff in like everyone else since he was hammering pieces of wood.

"Nah. Gonna do it later." He shouts down to me as he begins hammering again.

"You're scared I'm gonna find your sexy underwear?" I joke before I hear him groan in pain before shooting out a list of profanities Hershel nor Lori would appreciate. I climbed up the ladder quickly to check on him. "Did me finding your hot pink panties shock you that much?" I laughed, spotting he was holding his thumb, "You hit it?" I go to take his hand to check it out.

"It's fine." He mumbles before moving his hand away from me. Really. Are we playing the 'I ain't a pussy' game right now? I go to grab his hand again but he snatches it away before I could even touch him.

"Just let me look." I demanded him but he shook his head. Sighing, I go to grab his hand again but he dodges me. "Daryl." I groan at him, "Just let me look." I take hold of his elbow and pull him towards me but he tries to escape my hands. Quickly I bend his free arm to his back and pull him towards the roof lightly trying not to hurt him. Securing him on the roof, I sit on top of him holding one of his arms with my leg by his side before I take his injured hand in mine. His thumb was beginning to bruise a nasty colour as it was bleeding from the impact of the nail he was hammering pierced his skin. Daryl tries to wiggle out from beneath me but I grip his sides with my legs harder. "Stop wiggling." I tell him as I further inspect his hand for any more injuries.

"I'm fine." He tells me, trying to push my thigh away with his arm which was still trapped between my leg and his side. Lifting his hips up, he tries to fling me off him but I just stay sat on top of him as I finish looking at his hand. "Thankfully it's just some blood and some bruising." I release his other arm. Sitting up, he moves me further back on his legs as we come face to face. Our faces aligned with each other, I could feel the warmth of his breath on my face. My heart begins to thump inside my chest as if it was trying to escape. His eyes that flared with hues of blue and grey and his usually hardened furrow brows were lifted as he looked at me. His big calloused hands rest on my thighs. His lips part as his eyes flicker down. Pulling my bottom lip between my teeth, I realise I'm sat on Daryl right now. This man didn't like physical contact at all and he was fine with me sitting on top of him in an intimate position.

"I– I have plasters in my pocket." I breathe out, my breath heavy. Daryl blinks at me and tries to push me off him. Late reaction there buddy. I was also quite enjoying that. We both stand up. He avoids my eyes as he looks down as he gulps. I fumble to grab a single plaster from my pocket before pulling it out. "Here." I passed it to him. He stares at the plaster for a moment before snatching it from me and turning away to the part of the barn he was fixing. I shift my weight between my feet, awkwardly.

I had no idea what to say to him after that. It was the closest I've ever been to him. He usually keeps his distance from me at most times but he let me sit there on top of him. Wiping the back of my neck, I turn around, "I'm gonna go help." I tell Daryl. He grunts back at me. Nice reply, redneck. Back to our one sided conversations again. I make my way down the ladder and walk over to the blue pick-up truck outside the house. Lori struggles to get a large blue box out of the trunk and T-Dog rushes over to help her. "Don't- don't strain yourself" He grabs the box from her. T-Dog was lovely. He's always been the nicest one here to me. Even when everyone didn't trust me.

"She's pregnant, T, not incapable." I joke, grabbing a bag of stuff from the truck.

"I know." He laughs, "I'm just a gentleman. I used to be quite a ladies man before all this." T-Dog smiles at me as Lori and I laugh at him.

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