𝟐 - 𝐍𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐥𝐬 - 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟?

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          After getting saved by Sierra from being drowned in a river/waterfall, Chris led the determined group to a casino theater.

" Ooh! I wonder if anyone is
performing?! " Owen awed. " Not quite, but you're in luck, Owen, my man, " Chris answered. Oh great, what's he gonna do now? Cody thought to himself. " Last time on the aftermath show, they had a second chance challenge, where one of the losers can score a point back in the game. And we're going to find out who it is! " Chris exclaimed.

" Gwen? Is it Gwen?! " Cody smiled. Even though she was dating Duncan, Cody still wanted a true friend by his side.

" That wouldn't suck, " Duncan smirked. " Yes, it would! " Courtney grumbled, clearly annoyed.

" He's 200 pounds of sarcastic with a 90 pound package of IQ, and he's wearing 12 layers of clothing, it's Noah! " Chris exclaimed. Everyone grumbled of disappointment and excitement. Cody didn't really know how to feel about this. Sure he, ' liked, ' Gwen, but he also had feelings for Noah he could never understand.

" Ok, 1, I do not wear that much clothing, and 2, what team am I on, " Noah said with a expressionless tone, hopping off the stage. " You're on your own, cause as of right now, there are no teams! " Chris smiled. Everyone cheered.

" Since we are in the honeymoon capital of the world, I decided to drop in arranged marriages for you, " Chris sneered, rubbing his hands together as Chef pushed a giant machine from the curtains.

Sierra smiled behind Cody, giving Cody a sheepish look. " Check it! Lots of fun for me, not so fun for you! Each girl will pull the lever, whoever she lands on will be their partner for the challenge, cha-ching! " Chris added.

" Now since we have an uneven amount of girls and guys, I'm gonna put Cody on the girls team, since he was on one before, " Chris snorted. " Aww man! " Cody exclaimed, blushing from embarrassment. Sierra cried, while Cody tried to comfort her.

After getting all the other boys in, a bear in a cage started lowering down in the machine. " Umm, what's the bear for? " Heather asked, skeptical. " Casinos are always exciting, and what's more exciting than a big, angry
bear?! " Chris answered, the bear dropping in the machine. Clamor could be heard from the boys.

" Now trust me, you don't want to land on that guy, now let the games begin! " Chris announced. " Sierra, you're up first! " Sierra sighed, then went up to the lever. She pulled on it, and 3 icons of Alejandro appeared. She gasped and quickly pushed the door closed, shutting in his arm. ' Al, ' screamed.

" Sierra! You won-, " Chris began, but was interrupted by the panicking of Sierra. " This isn't happening. This isn't happening! " She cried. " I'll take him. She won't stop if somebody takes him, " Heather said, picking Alejandro up. " Yup, Heather! Good enough for me! " Sierra cheered, the first couple walking away.

" Sierra, go to the back of the line! Cody, you're next! " Chris laughed. Cody gulped, while Sierra walked sadly to the back. " Here goes nothing.., " Cody said, pulling the lever slowly. The icons rolled menacingly, then Cody saw Noah's face 3 in a row. He blushed red.

" Ugh! Finally! " Noah complained, wiping off dust. " Oh. You, " Noah said in monotone voice. Cody smiled sheepishly. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Cody tried not to make it look like he's blushing.

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