Chapter Twelve

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Inara's pov

The next day woke up to the sweet sweet smell of revenge , I was still fumming from the night before .How fucking dare he do that to me publicly !?! All because his little man ego was hurt . Oh I'm getting him back so hard .

I kicked my feet off the bed and put my bunny slippers on making me way to the kitchen to eat breakfast where I see Roxanne making coffee . " hey baby you okay ?" She asked turning around when she heard me come down the hall " no I'm fucking pissed still I can't believe he'd do that !" I said raising my voice as Roxanne took a sip of her coffee " men am I right ?" She said playfully rolling her eyes .

" should I do a diss track ?" I said , I'm kinda worried of what she'd say personally I've never done a diss track , I mean sure I'd called people out on interviews and in person or just straight up said I don't like you to their faces . But I never sneaked dissed anyone or anything . "Are you for real ?" She said putting down her coffee she looks shocked that doesn't look good or the answer I was looking for . " yeah " I said sheepishly . She stared at me for a few moments but it felt like hours .

"FUCK YES !" she yelled pumping her fist into the air like the dude from the breakfast club at the end of the movie . " really ? You think so ? " I smiled getting excited again because this shit was going to be good " He'll fucking yes put thy white boy  in his place ! " she smiled and continued " you have anything in mind ? have you thought of lyrics ?" She asked curiously " hell yeah I was up all night writing I just have to make the few finishing touches and we're fucking good " I said " I'm gonna make him wish he was never born and I'm going to make him write a suicide  note watch he's gonna wish he never fucked with me " I chuckle evilly . Roxanne had a straight face for a minute and then started to bust out laughing .

" what the fuck is so funny ?" I said tapping my foot and crossing my arms , did she think  this whole thing was s a joke ??!? Because it's not I'm dead ass serious . " Do you think this is a joke?!?" I said angrily at her making her wipe her tears from her laughing fit " no baby sorry it's just you look so cute right now with your little bunny slippers and tired eyes " she smiled and started to chuckle again . "Roxanne be serious !" I pouted wanting to know her honest reaction " sorry I think it's a great idea babe definitely go for it but I just wanna let you know don't go threatening people in bunny slippers ever again " she laugh I started to laugh a little as well , she's right about that .

" alright so we got a diss tract to record !lets hurry the fuck up and get to the studio " she said clapping her hands . I nodded at her eating breakfast quickly and taking a shower and throwing my clothes on I felt like being comfortable so I just put on my juicy contour jump suit on and called it a day no make or anything and put my hair up in a bun making my way to the living room waiting for Roxanne. She finally came out after some time and we were on our way to the studio singing to Mariah Carey's 'fantasy'  .

We pulled into the parking lot making our way into the building to the lobby , when we walk in I see Dre and jimmy lovine talking to each other . I simply nod at them as a way to say hello I didn't want to interrupt there conversation or be rude . Dre motioned for me to come over and talk to them .

" hey if it isn't the girl of the hour ! Congrats sweet heart on the award and the single !" Jimmy said praising me " awe thank you so much I really appreciate it " smiled at jimmy " yeah that shit was right I'm glad you got that award you deserved it " Dre says " yo I'm sorry about em he's just been off his rocker lately " Dre said as he scratched the back of his head nervously " hey don't worry about it you didn't have anything to do with it so I'm not even worried about it for you " I said as I continued I try and make it seem like it wasn't his fault which it wasn't em is just a little bitch and can't handle getting rejected " I already got something in the works for him " I winked at him " oh shit your making a tract about em?" Dre said amused as did jimmy " something like that I'm going up to record it now if you wanna stop by and give it a little listen " I smirk at him " oh for sure I wanna hear it and don't worry it's between you and me I won't tell slim " he said as I nodded " alright well I will see you up there " I pat him on the back " nice seein you jimmy " I wave goodbye to the older gentleman he nodded " see you later sweetheart " I took the elevator upstairs to my studio room .

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