Chapter 24

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Lily's Pov
I woke up after sending a dream to Conner and found myself in the hell but in a cage. My grandmother was seating by her husband 'Hades'. He looked very calm but i knew he was racking his brain. What could he be thinking about? What is he planning.

"Hello traitor. You are finally awake, I have been waiting for your consciousness for a long time now. How are you? Did your message reach your husband?" She asked sarcastically.

"Please let me go!" I screamed.

"Not until my son bails you out!" She laughs uncontrollably.

"Grandfather please, I promise to never show my face here again. Please!" I cried.

"Shut up! You caused this! You should have thought about this before you threw my wife into the lake of fire!" He yelled.

"But she took what was mine!" I yelled back.

"Enough! She is my wife! She can take whatever she wants!" He yelled back.

"You really are a fool. You got married to a human and betrayed your own kind! Now that boy would suffer for your stupid actions" grandmother said.

"No! Please don't hurt him. Take my soul and spare his, please!" I cried.

"Hahahaha. Your father's decision, not yours." She said.

Madison's Pov
I ran to Damien's room and barged in. He looked at me and then continued his usual thing, smoking.

" Lillian is in the underworld, please save her." I cried.

"And how did you know she was there? Who told you this?" He asked not taking a glance at me.

"I had a dream of her being in hell" I lied.

"Hmm. I guess she was calling out to you, that ungrateful bitch. She deserves whatever punishment my father gives her and if you are expecting me to save her, I will never do that." He said seriously.

"But she is your daughter. Our daughter. How can you say this? I know she can be stubborn but please for the sake of your fatherhood, save her." I said crying.

"I don't care about that psycho anymore, after I tried everything to make her happy and save her, she never appreciated it" he said calmly.

"And maybe that is because you never knew what she wanted and you sucked at being her dad!" I yelled and immediately covered my mouth with my hand realizing what I said and who I said it to.

"What did you just say?" He asked, turning his head to my direction. He stood up from his seat and walked up to me with cigarette still in his mouth.

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