Chapter 23

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Normal Pov
The next day, Conner woke up and got ready for that day. He decided that he wanted to see Lily's mother so he could ask her for help on how to save Lily. He had breakfast without his father and left with his bike. He didn't know where Lily's house was so he went to school and snuck into the admin's office, he searched for Lily's file and he found it, he quickly searched for her home address and when he found it, he snapped the home address and snuck out again.
He followed the address and it took him to a tall old building. It looked abandoned but he decided to try it out. He entered the compound through the gate and walked for like 5 minutes before he reached the door step, the house looked really creepy.

Conner's Pov
I rang the doorbell despite seeing the creepy mansion. I had to do this for Lily. In two seconds, a man wearing a waiter outfit came out, he looked old but at least he didn't look creepy. I assumed he was a butler.

"Sorry to bother you sir but may I see Mrs Quinn?" I asked.

"Sorry sir but you can't" he said firmly.

"It is very important sir please" I said.

"You can not see her, you must leave now before master comes back, you would make me lose my job" he said this time worried.

"It is about Lily, please." I said.

"Then if it is about her, you have to see master. It is a big crime in this house for anyone to see the lady of this house" he said.

"But.... Nevermind." I said before turning back and headed towards my bike. I need to see Lily's mother, I can't see her dad, only God knows if he would believe what I would tell him. I waited till dawn and finally decided to sneak into the house. I went to the back of the house and climbed the building with a ladder that was there.
I entered through the window and I found myself in a room, it had black and purple wallpapers, I saw picture frames of Lily's baby pictures. I also saw her pictures of when she was a kid, she looked quite creepy with her strict face but beautiful as always. I also saw a portrait of her current self, man she looked gothic in that picture and also beautiful.
I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door open, I quickly hid somewhere in the room and prayed no one saw me. I heard soft footsteps, the footsteps started coming where I was hiding and then paused.

"Lillian my daughter, where are you?" I heard a woman say. I assumed it was her mother and I quickly revealed myself making the blonde scream. I quickly covered her mouth from more screams but she only bit me before turning around to run away.

"Wait! I know where Lily is!" I said before she stopped in her movements.

"Who are you?" She asked with tears in her eyes.

" I am your daughter's husband" I said in full courage.

"What? Your a liar. Where is my baby?!" She yelled.

"Maam please calm down, I need you to calm down, Lily got married to me and we went for our traditions in the underworld. After we had finished completing our traditions, she opened the portal to earth and I went into the portal but she didn't. Yesterday night, I had a dream that she was in danger so I thought you could help me save her"  I said sincerely.

"What is your name?" She asked.

"Conner Malcom Xavier" I said. She quickly shut the door on hearing my name and locked it.

"You are Ares'son?" She asked scared this time.

"Yes maam" I said.

"Why would my daughter marry you?" She asked in a calm voice.

"You should ask her that when we save her" I said guilty.

"My husband would kill you if he finds out you are here." She said worried.

"But I can't leave without your help. Lily is in danger, she needs to be saved as soon as possible" I said.

"I would inform her father, don't worry about her. Once she is saved, I will inform you" she said.

"Maam please be careful" I said worrying about her because of the way her husband treated her. I turned around and left for New York this time. I decided I was going to stay at Lily's house (where he came out from when he went to the underworld).

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