Chapter 22

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Conner's Pov
I stood in a house basement waiting for Lily to come out but she didn't and before I knew it the portal closed. I was shocked. Did she leave me? Did she just send me home because she was tired of my complaints? Probably the reason why. I guess this a good bye then. I walked out of the basement and went out of the house. Knowing I was in New York, I called my dad to send his jet to come pick me up and he was happy to hear I was okay and save. I wonder how much I made that man worry about me.

At Home, I was eating in the dining room with dad before I started remembering all the time had spent with Lillian, the sex, the breakfast I made for us, the kiss and most of all, the blood drinking, I smiled at myself. I really did miss her and I wish I could see her again, just once.

"Son? Are you okay? Your smiling at yourself, I was expecting you to be sad or be in a trauma due to your disappearance" he said.

"Trauma? What the fuck dad?! How could you think that of me? I told you I was doing just fine, I went on a vacation and because I didn't want to bother your business life I left without informing you! So why the hell would you think I got kidnapped or something." I yelled angrily and I don't know why.

"I am sorry son, this is all my fault." He said sadly.

"Of course it is your fault, you caused all of these, only if you were not some selfish asshole who calls himself a father!" I yelled repeating the insult Lily said about my father but this time frustrated.

"Language young master" I heard the butler say.

"Fuck off!" I yelled at the butler before I stumped out of the dining room and went to my room.

This was the first time Conner had ever spoken to me like that but why? Where did all those curse words come from?

"Kelvin, hire one of the body guards to keep an eye on my son from time to time and make sure he is not aware" I told my butler.

"Yes sir" he said before I stood up and left for my room.

Conner's Pov
I was lying on my bed thinking about Lily when I suddenly saw Lily in front of me, she was drenched in blood and she looked like she was going to die any moment from now, she streched her hand to me with her knees on the ground. She was crying and it was as if she was in pain.

"Conner please save me. I need you." She said before my floor opened and it looked like inside the ground was hell fire, hands started to drag her into the fire and she was screaming 'help me'.  I rushed grabbing her hand trying to pull her out but no way, she was pulled into the ground and the ground closed reducing her screams.

"Lilyyyyyy!!!!!!" I screamed and I jumped out of the bed now knowing it was just a dream but it felt so real. Could she be in trouble. I have to do something but this time I am afraid I would have to involve some people I don't want to. I slept back deciding to see Lily's mother tomorrow.

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