"WHAT THE HELL!" "YOU FUCK!!" the women screamed as their captors tried to reach for their swords. But they were too late as the other man made quick work of the other two men. His sword was a blur as he removed their heads from their necks, showing the room in blood.

Genna's heart thumped in her chest as the man finally turned to face her. His face was still covered by a cloth. The man stepped forward towards her chest and looked straight at her.

"My lady, I am Bejen Stark," said the man as he removed the cloth covering his face, and her heart eased as she heard that name. The man raised his sword once more and cleaved the rusty lock of her cell into two.


He opened the door and walked in, his steps slow as he removed the cloak from his body and passed it to her.

"I am here to rescue you on the orders of King Rhaegar!" said the young knight as he wrapped the cloak around her. And Genna finally noticed how her whole body was shivering! She nodded at him as she tried to speak up.

"Thank you," her voice came out broken, yet the knight from the North simply nodded and helped her to her feet. The shaking and the hunger made it difficult, yet she finally got up. The other women in the cages had become quiet now and were looking at her with their deploring gazes. She looked around, saw their broken gazes, and looked at the young Kingsguard as she spoke up.

"What about them?" she asked, and he understood her implication and nodded as he suddenly whistled. She frowned when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps, and half a dozen men stepped into the room again.

The Stark knight then turned to face the captive women and spoke in a firm voice.

"There is a ship on the shore. These men will free you and lead you to them. I am Ser Benjen Stark, and these are the King's men. You are to follow their instructions, and I promise you that you will all reach your homes soon," he ordered, and the room broke down into a small cheer. Benjen Stark gave the nod to the men, and they all got to work as he led her out of the room.

"Where are we?" she asked, and the man answered.

"We are on the Lonely Islands, my lady. The garrison was small, for they planned to transport you elsewhere. We have control of the island!" he replied, and she nodded as she looked around and found several bodies on the ground. Most of them belonged to the Iron Islanders.

There were a dozen or so armored men patrolling the garrison in groups, and there was still some sound of fighting. She did not speak up, and as he led her out of the castle, the cold air made her shiver.

She pulled the cloak he had given her closer as she tried to shield herself from the cold, though her efforts were futile as the cold wind continued to blow. There was a horse waiting for them, and perhaps on seeing her shivering, he spoke up again.

"There is better clothing on the ship. So, you could change into something more appropriate when we reach it," said the man and offered her a hand which she took as he helped her up the horse. She finally noticed that the man was only wearing a simple doublet and seemed unaffected by the cold. He got up on the horse and pulled the reins, and the horse began to gallop away, making her shiver again.

"Does the cold not bother you, Ser Benjen?" she asked, and the man smirked as he shook her head.

"I am from the North, my lady. To us, this is just like summer."



Jamie Lannister watched as the Iron fleet chased after them as the Royal fleet turned to retreat. King Rhaegar stood on the deck, commanding everyone as catapults and arrows rained down on them. The Greyjoys weren't known as prolific sailors for no reason. They had faced the might of the Iron fleet head-on and defied them a victor forcing them to retreat, though it was all part of King Rhaegar's plans.

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