"My lady, he is out training in the yard. He came to check on the young lady in the morning before going to the yard, he came to check on you as well, but you were resting at the time," and Cersei nodded and dismissed the maid as she finally focused on the sound of metals clacking reaching her room.

This wasn't the first time she heard these sounds. It had been years now though she remembered hearing them previously as well. Yet this time, it was as if the sounds were angrier, and they should be. War had been thrust upon them. Their enemies had struck first. It was now widely speculated that King Aerys had been assassinated, and a whole conspiracy was at play once more.

King Aerys Targaryen, considered by many to be the greatest King after the Conciliator himself. The man was a friend of her and Robert's father and had brokered her marriage to him, despite her father's will to have her married to the Prince. Cersei had complex feelings about the man, for he broke her dream of being a Queen, but her marriage with Robert had been a suitable arrangement by him.

As her mind wandered to the late King, she missed the sound of the door to her room opening and Robert entering her chambers. She broke out of her trance when she felt a comforting hand on her shoulder. She looked to the side and found her husband standing there with a smile on his face.

"What's on your mind?" he questioned her as he sat by her side. She shook her head.

"Nothing. When did you come back, the servants told me you were at the docks with the prince?" she questioned as she looked him over, neither missing the distinct smell of the Arbor Gold nor the little flushing of his face.

"Just now. We were unloading some of the important cargo so he could finally leave for Kings Landing. Aemon plans to leave by sundown, I will be sending a team of guards with him to guard him on his route. We cannot take any risk in these times."

And she did not miss the balling of his fists as he said that. King Aerys had hit Robert hard, for the man had been like a second father to him, and his sudden death had taken him by surprise. Yet that was no reason for him to forget himself.

Robert's eyes went to the little bundle sleeping in her arms, and as he reached for her, she swatted away his arm.

"Not like this. I can practically smell the wine on you," she rebuffed him and watched as his eyes widened at having been found out. There was a look of guilt on his face, yet she shook her head.

"Hahaha, me and Aemon just drank a bit from one of the vintages he brought from his voyage. In honor of the King, you see. To honor him," and she nodded sarcastically.

"Forget about it. Just be careful in the future. You know what the healer told you. Drinking excessively could kill you," she chided him once more in a concerned tone. The King had been rather strict with him in regard to his drinking habits, and those teachings remained effective to this day, yet he still needed some remaindered here and then again.

"Will you be leaving with the Prince as well?" she suddenly asked, handing him his daughter. Robert smiled as he cooed at the sleeping child before he replied to her.

"No, Ormund will accompany him for the funeral. I have other duties," and she nodded. The war had two fronts at this time, and they were closer to the second front.

The Stepstones.

"How is Prince Aemon?" she asked about the young prince. Prince Aemon had been one of her prospective matches. The King cared equally for his sons and had gone against tradition and had granted his second son a separate seat of power. In these circumstances, a match with Prince Aemon would only be marginally worse than a match with the crown Prince.

Robert's smile dropped, and he shook his head as he told her of his friend. Robert shared a closer bond with the younger Prince Aemon than with the older Prince Rhaegar.

"He is distraught and angry. Half his fleet was destroyed by that fucking Euron Greyjoy. He himself barely escaped," Robert replied angrily, and she saw his eyes blaze with the famous Baratheon fury.

"Gods! If I get my hands on those fucking squids, I am bashing them all! Those treasonous cunts!" he roared angrily, and the chamber shook with his voice. She placed her hand on his arm to calm him down.

"It's okay, they will pay! Everyone who had a hand in this will!" and he nodded and she noticed his eyes widening suddenly as he handed her Joanne.

"Ahh! I almost forgot about this! But you were in labor, so I did not want to trouble you," and her heart dropped as she heard those words. There was an apologetic look on his face as he handed her a letter from his pocket.

"There was a second attack as well. An attack on Lannisport!" and her eyes widened as dread pooled in her gout at his words. She immediately opened the letter and began to skim over it.

"Thankfully, both your father and brother are fine. The fleet was damaged, but that can be rebuilt," and her heart eased as she heard about her father and Jamie. She sighed in relief a bit at that.

"So, will you be going to Lannisport," and he shook his head.

"No, I will be leaving for Dorne! The levies from the Stormlands are to support Oberyn there," and she frowned a bit at that. Despite the relative peace of the last thirty years, the Stormalnds and the Dornish had a somewhat tumultuous relationship.

"The marcher lords will not be happy about this. Most of them are still at odds with houses from Dorne," she added, and Robert nodded.

"They might grumble a bit, but they will ride as ordered. As much as they may hate the Dornish, they hate the triarchy way more." And he was right about that.

Though it would be more accurate to say they were more loyal to the Royal family, especially to the late King who had made abundant grain available to them, solving the central problem of these lands. Though, with both Ormund and Robert leaving, who would be in command of the castle? While Steffon was able, he was still a child and had a couple of years before he reached his majority.

"With both you and Ormund leaving? Who will be in command of the castle?" she questioned.

"Ahh! Well, Steffon will be here, and you will be there to guide him. However, Renly will be returning shortly, and he will take command of the defense of the shores."

And Cersei frowned as she heard that. The youngest of the Baratheon brother had always been a bit of an enigma to her, he had always been polite, yet she never felt easy around him. But perhaps it was only her.

"When will he be arriving?" she questioned him, and Robert missed the rigidity of her tone as he replied in a boisterous tone.

"He will be here in a week."


In one of the manses of the perfumed city of Lys, several men sat around a table as maidens danced and littered around them in clothes that showed more skin than they hid. They conversed with each other in hushed tones as the maidens entertained them.

Suddenly the doors to their room opened, and another man entered with two guards flanking him on his side. Everyone turned to face the intruder as their eyes focused on him. He wore a dark doublet and had a sword attached to his hip. His head was bald, and he had a round face though his eyes were the signature amethyst, a legacy of Valyria.

The whole room became quiet as he reached his seat. The bald man looked around and finally broke the silence.

"The plan is in motion. Aerys Targaryen is dead!"


I can assure you that Aerys was laughing when he made this match possible. Laughing very hard!

As always, you can read ahead and support me on Patre 0n. Your support helps me out a lot and makes it possible for me to write. So, if possible, have a look and consider dropping a dime if you can. I shall be extremely thankful.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

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